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commander of faithful’s[AS] courage {2}
ID: 429 Publish Date: 11 September 2016 - 20:14 Count Views: 6109
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commander of faithful’s[AS] courage {2}

commander of faithful’s[AS]  courage in Shia and Sunni resources {2}

summery of tonight’s program:

“Ibn Taymiyyah”, “sheikh of Islam”, or “sheikh of liars”?!

“Wahhabis” say a sentence of “Ibn Taymiyyah” who says: “our lord is “Ali”! I read the book “Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah” written by “Ibn Taymiyyah” thoroughly, I didn’t see him calling “Ali” [AS] in his book: “my lord”. He’s said to “Umar” and “Abu-bakr”: “My lord”, but not about commander of faithful [AS].

They say: sheikh of Islam, or as we say sheikh of liars or sheikh of evil, has said: “Ali ibn abi-Talib” never believed that he’s appointed imam.

“Wahhabis” listen carefully! “Hesni Damascus” the follow-citizen of “Ibn Taymiyyah” says about him in the book “repelling doubt”:

«ضربة علی یوم الخندق تعدل عبادة الثقلین»

Lies and crimes that this rkish “Ibn Taymiyyah” has committed, may god punish him severely.

Mr. “Sabki” says:

فلم یدخل فی فرقة من الفرق الثلاثة والسبعین آلتی افترقت علیها الأمة

“ibn Taymiyyah” isn’t amongst seventy three sects that prophet’s nation were divided to them.

Previously on what we said about Ali’s [AS] bravery in the last session:

Since this matter is very important, we talked about it in detail, it’s written “Muhnad Ahmad bin Hanbal”:
at any war, “Gabriel” was on the right side of “Ali” [AS] and “Michael” was on the left side and he wouldn’t return from battle without victory.

Mr. “Iji” says: in the battle of “Kheibar”, when “Umar” and “Abu-Bakr” lost, prophet [PBUH] gave the flag to “Ali” [AS] and said: he attacks repeatedly and never flees.

Mr. “Salehi Shami” says: anyone who fought “Ali” [AS] saw his end. Second caliph {Umar} says:

والله لولا سیفه لما قام عمود الإسلام

If it weren’t for Ali’s sword, flag of Islam wouldn’t rise.

“Ibn abi al-Hadid” says: commander of faithful [AS] wiped out the name of all in bravery and left no place for people of the future.

“Abbas Mahmud Eqad” says: Ali’s bravery [AS] was unique during history.

wonderful narrative about commander of faithful’s virtue [AS]:

It’s written in some historical books that when “Amr ibn Abd al-Wud” came on battlefield: I see him as equal as one thousand guys because in one of our trips when robbers attacked us, he got the leg of camel and perished all robbers.

When “Ali” [AS] was going to battlefield prophet [PBUH] said:

قد برز الایمان کله الی الشرک کله

Incarnate faith against incarnate polytheism.

Mr. “Dumiri” says:

 “لما بارز عمراً قال رسول الله: ' الیوم برز الإیمان کله للشرک کله

When “Umar” came, prophet [PBUH] said: today all the faith is against whole the polytheism.

“Sahaibani Damascene” says in the book “Mustabsar history” p 68:

 When “Amr ibn Abd al-Wud” came to “Hijaz”, “Ali” [AS] went to battlefield, then prophet [PBUH] said “Takibir” and said:

برز الإیمان کله إلی الشرک کله

A narrative about commander of faithful’s [AS] virtue which is so enjoyable!

This narrative is written in the book “Al-Mawaqif” from “Izzu al-ddin IJI”, v 3, p 628:

«الرابع الشجاعة” «تواتر مکافحته للحروب ولقاء الأبطال وقتل أکابر الجاهلیةحتی قال یوم الأحزاب (لضربة علی خیر من عبادة الثقلین

Fourth topic: Ali ibn Abi Talib’s bravery. A lot of narrators have quoted that he’s over came heroes and killed the elders of the time of ignorance at wars. And prophet said in the battle of “Ahzab”: one strike form “Ali” is better than the worship of all jinn and human kind.

Mr. “Taftazani” has said this narrative in the book “Sharhal-Maqasid” v 2, p 301, and “Hakim Neysaburi” in the book “Mustadrak” v 3, p 34, and “Khatib Baghdadi” in “history Baghdad” v 13, p 18, and “Ibn Asakir” in the book “History of Damascus”.

“Ibn Taymiyyah” and commander of faithful’s [AS] virtues:

He’s done his best in the book “Minhaj al-Sunnah” to remove and question commander faithful’s [AS] virtues. He says in this book, v 5:

فالعشرة الأول کل‌ها کذب إلی آخر حدیث قتله لعمرو بن عبدود

Anything said about him is lie without a single sign of truth, including killing “Amr ibn Abd al-Wud”.

“Zahabi” has shown his grudge saying:

قلنا هذه الأحادیث والله العظیم کذب یلعن الله من افتراها ولعن من لا یحب علیا

In our opinion these Hadiths are lie, may god damn the one who’s libeled and may god damn the one who doesn’t like “Ali”.

We say as well: may god damn the one who rejects valid Hadiths about commander of faithful’s [AS] virtues.

Mr. “Halabi” who’s amongst Sunni great scholars and prominent figures, says in the book “sira halabi” v 2:

أقول ویرد قوله إن عمرو بن عبدود هذا لم یعرف له ذکر إلا فی هذه الغزوة قول الأص

In my opinion this opinion of “Ibn Taymiyyah” is wrong because there’s no name in anywhere from “Amr ibn Abd al-Wud” unless in battle of “trench”.

Ha says as well:

ویرده أیضا ما تقدم من أنه نذران لا یمس رأسه دهنا حتی یقتل محمدا

What “Ibn Taymiyyah” has said is wrong again, because “Amr ibn Abd al-Wud” had vowed not to rub oil on his head and had sworn not to rub oil on his head before killing prophet.

Al-Sirah al-halabiyyah, “Halabi”, v 2, p 643

Decisive response to “Ibn Taymiyyah” ranting:

It was the response given by “Halabi”, but there’s another response to what “Ibn Taymiyyah” has said either: “Ibn Najim” an Egyptian big scholar says in the book “Al-Ashbah and al-Nazaer”, p 78:

قَالَ عَلَيْهِ السَّلَامُ إذَا أَمَرْتُكُمْ بِشَيْءٍ فَأْتُوا مِنْهُ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ، وَإِذَا نَهَيْتُكُمْ عَنْ شَيْءٍ فَاجْتَنِبُوهُ

Prophet [PBUH] has said: live up my orders and avoid of doing of what I’ve prohibited as much as you can.

Then he says:

“ وَرَوَى فِي الْكَشْفِ حَدِيثًا لَتَرْكُ ذَرَّةٍ مِمَّا نَهَى اللَّهُ عَنْهُ أَفْضَلُ مِنْ عِبَادَةِ الثَّقَلَيْنِ

It’s been quoted of prophet that if someone give up little bit of what god almighty has forbidden, it’s better than the worship of jinn and humankind.

It’s written in the book “Meqat al-Mafatih” v 9, p 221:

فإن إدخال السرور فی قلب المؤمن أفضل من عبادة الثقلین

Making a believer happy is higher than the worship of jinn and human kind.

Details of tonight’s program:


In the name of the beneficent the merciful. Greeting to you, dear viewers of “Velayat” global network, may god accept your worships in this dear month. Tonight we’ll continue our last week’s program about commander of faithful’s [AS] courage. Greeting to our dear master, “Ayatollah QAZVINI”.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

Hello to you and our dear, respectable viewers.


Thank you very much. It’s been weeks that we’re talking about commander of faithful’s [AS] reasoning to his imamate, caliphate and guardianship and our discussion reached to six-man council. In that council, commander of faithful [AS] read a sermon and cited very potent issues. “Ali” [AS] mentioned to his virtues one by one and he even took witness of presenters and all of them admitted that these virtue are just for commander of faithful [AS].

What “Ali” [AS] said in that council could be the sign to prove his imamate and caliphate after prophet [PBUH].

I ask master to tell us a summery of previous discussions to remember our dear viewers, then I’ll ask my questions.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

One of doubts that “Wahhabi” evil networks discuss is that commander of faithful [AS] never relied on his imamate and didn’t know himself appointed Imam.

“ibn Taymiyyah”, “sheikh of Islam”, or “sheikh of liars”?!

I thought that at least they’ll feel embarrassed of doubts that they discuss, but after watching one their programs called “treason in history report” I found out that it’s not like that.

If someone watches this program will find out that it’s not thing other than treason; they quote phrases from commander of faithful [AS] that I don’t know where they’ve such things.

They say that “Ibn Taymiyyah” has said: “our lord is Ali”. I read the book “Minhaj al-Sunnah” written by “Ibn Taymiyyah” thoroughly but there wasn’t such sentence in there. He had called “Umar” and “Abu-Bakr” “our lord” but not about commander of faithful [AS]. I wish they bring document for what they say to increase the information of their viewers.

They {Wahhabis} say sheikh al-Islam as we say sheikh al-liar, has said: “Ali ibn abi-Talib” didn’t know himself appointed imam! They claim something and to prove their claim they rely on talk of someone who’s known as liar. Others keep call them and say” why has “Ibn Taymiyyah” lied so much. As soon as someone says “Ibn Taymiyyah” they cut off the communication.

He’s said: Shia don’t say congregation prayer, Shia don’t say Friday prayer, this narrative in “Sahih Bukhari” and “Sahih Muslim” is lie, and other accusations he ascribed to Shias.

In one of their programs they said: “ibn Taymiyyah” says: “Ali” never claimed that he has divine position or he’s imamate is on behalf god.

“Ibn Taymiyyah” is gone and is definitely being punished by god; this isn’t what we say but all Sunni elders say such thing.

Experts of the program “treason in history report” pay attention, “Abi bakr al-hesni al-Damascene” says about “Ibn Taymiyyah” in the book “repelling doubt” v1, p107:

«یرتکبه هذا الزائغ الفاجر الکذاب وأن یذیقه أشد العذاب» «إلی فجور هذا الخبیث» «ومنه تعلم أن هذا الخبیث لا دین له»

Lies and crimes that this rkish “Ibn Taymiyyah” has committed, may god punish him severely. It shows that “Ibn Taymiyyah” is ungodly.

Such guy is known as sheikh al-Islam for them thinking that anything he says is true.

Mr. “Sabki” says in the book “Al-Durratal-Maziyya”, v 1, p 2:

«فلم یدخل فی فرقة من الفرق الثلاثة والسبعین آلتی افترقت علیها الأمة»

“Ibn Taymiyyah” isn’t amongst 73 sects that prophet’s nation divided to them.

He says in this book: “Ibn Taymiyyah” is out of Islam then they say: sheikh al-Islam has said that “Ali ibn abi-Talib” [AS] didn’t know himself appointed imam.

It’s written in the book “Sahih Bukhari” v 4, p 1549:

«وَلَکنَّک اسْتَبْدَدْتَ عَلَینَا بِالْأَمْرِ»

O “Abu-Bakr” you oppressed us.

If commander of faithful didn’t believe that he’s right imam so why he said such sentence? Why did “Abu-Bakr” not defend saying no we didn’t oppress you?! We didn’t usurped caliphate and imamate from you by force?! Come up with an answer rather than saying none sense.

One of places that commander of faithful [AS] removed the curtain and talked about his position is when he said: was any one more trustworthy than me who prophet [PBUH] gave people’s trusts to him at the time of “Migration” giving them back to their owners?! Has anyone believed in god before me? Has anyone uncle like “Hamzah” lord of martyrs?! Has anyone spouse like “Fatimah” [AS]?! Has this verse been revealed for anyone other than me:

(قُلْ لا أَسْئَلُکمْ عَلَیهِ أَجْراً إِلاَّ الْمَوَدَّةَ فِی الْقُرْبی)

 Say: 'For this I ask of you no wage except the love of the (Prophet 's) relatives.

Sura ASH-SURA, verse 23

Is there anyone other than me who prophet [PBUH] left the door of his house open in the event “blocking doors” {prophet [PBUH] ordered all people who their house door would lead to the mosque, to block that door except “Ali” [AS].

Is there anyone other than me who sun returned for him saying his prayer?! Is there anyone who went to prophet [PBUH] eating grilled chicken with him when prophet [PBUH] asked god to send his most poular creature eating with each other.

Then commander of faithful said:

«أفیکم أحد کان أقتل للمشرکین عند کل شدیدة تنزل برسول الله منّی؟»

Is there anyone who defended prophet [PBUH] like me and killed idolaters?

They said: no there isn’t.

Ali’s [AS] virtues, “Ahmad ibn Musa” p 128

I said last week too that one things that Sunni believe that imam should have is courage; “Ali” [AS] said: is there anyone who’s as courage as me?!

Mr. “Iji” says: in the battle of “Kheibar” when first and second caliphs lost, prophet [PBUH] gave the flag to commander of faithful [AS] and said:

«کراراً غیر فرار»

It’s written in the book “Muhazirat al-udaba”: when warriors would see commander of faithful [AS] at wars, they’d flee saying that death angel is where “Ali ibn abi-Talib” fight.

“Abbas Mahmud Eqad” says: “Ali ibn abi-Talib” was unique in courage. We said sentences from lexicon, syntax and literature books that all of contain what “Ayesha” has said: “Ali hasn’t hit someone twice by sword. If he’d hit someone by sword vertically it’d tear him apart.

«ومنه قول ابن عائشة: کانت ضربات علی أبکاراً کان إذا اعتلی قدّ، وإذا اعترض قطّ، والقطّ»

It’s been quoted from “Ayesha”: Ali’s strike was single and he didn’t hit anyone twice.

Al-Basaer and al-Zakhaer, “Abu hayyan”, v 8, p 70

When “Ali” [AS] broke his sword, prophet [PBUH] gave him his own sword called {Zul faqar” and killed the enemy. “Gabriel” came down and said: this act of commander of faithful is called courage and sacrificing. Prophet [PBUH] aid in response: “Ali ibn abi-Talib” is from me and I’m from him. “Gabriel” said: I’m from you as well. Then they heard caller calling: “«لا فتی الا علی لا سیف الا ذوالفقار»

This is our lord, you [Wahhabis] show us the virtues of your elders.


We’re not competent to call ourselves real Shia of commander of faithful [AS] but at least we’re the lover and patron and defender of commander of faithful [AS] and god willing he himself will take our hands.

Master, I ask you to talk about this narrative «الیوم برز الإیمان کله للشرک کله» which is written in Sunni books and tell us its meaning, where it has been said and whether or not there’s any document for it in Sunni books.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

As for commander of faithful’s [AS] courage comprehensively; in the battle of “Trench” when “Amr ibn Abd al-Wud” came and challenged, all were afraid since all would know him as equal as on thousand  warriors.

It’s written in some historical books that second caliph said: I see him as equal as one thousand warriors because when we were attacked in one of our trips. He got the leg of camel and perished all robbers.

Rather making army calm, second caliph scared all of them and no one dared to go fighting him. While commander of faithful was preparing himself fighting him, prophet [PBUH]:

«قد برز الایمان کله الی الشرک کله»

The incarnate faith against incarnate polytheism.

describtion of Nahj al-Balagha, “ibn abi al-hadid”, v 13, p 158

Commander of faithful [AS] was an adolescent at that time but prophet [PBUH] says about him “all the faith {Ali} against all the polytheism {Amr ibn Abd al-Wud}.

Didn’t prophet appoint anyone as his successor?! Doesn’t what prophet said show that if someone wants to takeover prophet’s [PBUH] prophecy and convey to people what prophet [PBUH] was committed to give to people must be the one who was called “all the faith” by prophet?!

Mr. “Dumairi” says:

«لما بارز عمراً قال رسول الله: ' الیوم برز الإیمان کله للشرک کله»

When “Amr” came, prophet [PBUH] said: today whole the faith is against whole the polytheism.

Mr. “Sheibani Damascene” says in the book “Tarikh al-Mustabsar” p 68: when “Amr ibn Abd al-Wud” came to “Hejaz”, commander of faithful [AS] wen to battle field fighting him, then prophet [PBUH] said “Allah Akbar” and said:

«برز الإیمان کله إلی الشرک کله» «و قتل علی ید أمیر المؤمنین علی بن أبی طالب»

Whole the faith against whole the polytheism,

“Amr ibn Abd al-Wud” was killed by commander of faithful [AS].


Thank you very much. master one of the virtues of commander of faithful [AS] is his bravery the “Ali” [AS] showed it in the battle of “Trench”, please talk about this narrative which is written in Sunni books:

ضربة علی یوم الخندق أفضل من عبادة الثقلین

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

Mr. “Izzu al-ddin Iji” who’s amongst the heroes of theological science has said this narrative in the book “Al-Mawaqef”, v 3, p 628:

«الرابع الشجاعة» «تواتر مکافحته للحروب ولقاء الأبطال وقتل أکابر الجاهلیة» «حتی قال یوم الأحزاب (لضربة علی خیر من عبادة الثقلین)»

Translation is available above.

As well as, Mr. “Taftazani” the author of the book “Al-maqased” says:

«هو أشجعهم یدل علیه کثرة جهاده فی سبیل الله وحسن إقدامه فی الغزوات» «وهی مشهورة غنیة عن البیان» «ولهذا قال النبی لا فتی إلا علی ولا سیف إلا ذو الفقار» «وقال یوم الأحزاب لضربة علی خیر من عبادة الثقلین»

“Ali” was the bravest companion that shows his numerous wars in the path god and his advances and victories in battles. His courage doesn’t need to be said. That’s why prophet [PBUH] said: there’s not chivalrous but “Ali” and there’s not sword but “Zul Faqar”. And he said in the battle of the “Confederates” {known as trench}: one strike from “Ali” is better than the worship of jinn and human.

Description of alMaqased, “Taftazani” v 2, p 301

“Hakim Nishapuri” says in the book “Mustadrak” v3, p 34: “Ali ibn abi-Talib” killed “Amr ibn Abd al-Wud” and this narrative has valid document and prophet [PBUH] said:

«قال رسول الله لمبارزة علی بن أبی طالب لعمرو بن عبدود یوم الخندق أفضل من أعمال أمتی إلی یوم القیامة»

Prophet [PBUH] said about battle between “Ali” [AS] and “Amr ibn Abd al-Wud” in the battle of the “Trench”: that battle is higher than my nation’s deeds till day of resurrection.

None of these books are Shia books, all of them are Sunni books. “Khatib Baghdadi” says as well:

«عن النبی أنه قال لمبارزة علی بن أبی طالب لعمرو بن عبد ود یوم الخندق أفضل من عمل أمتی إلی یوم القیامة»

Ali’s battle with “Amr ibn Abd al-Wud” in the battle of “Trench” is higher than my nation’s deeds till day of resurrection.

Bagdad history, “Khatib Baghdadi”, v 13, p 18

“ibn Asakir” says this sentence in the book “the history of Damascus”, v 50, p333 as well:

These are some examples written in Sunni books regarding the importance of commander of faithful [AS] in the battle of “trench”.


This matter needs contemplation and is very important sentence that it’s higher than the worship of jinn and human kind.

Master, you said these things from Sunni resources, what’s the opinion of “Wahhabism” about these things?!

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

“ibn taymiyyah” does his best in the book “Menhaj al-Sunnah” to remove and question commander of faithful’s [AS] virtues.


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