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Has any spiritual reward been said for mourning and crying for “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS] in Sunni narratives?
ID: 526 Publish Date: 13 February 2017 - 17:03 Count Views: 4429
Question & Answer » Imam Hussein
Has any spiritual reward been said for mourning and crying for “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS] in Sunni narratives?

Describing question:

According to authentic narratives written in different and authentic Shia books said by Shia imams, there is countless spiritual reward for crying and mourning “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS], imam “Husayn” in particular. Question is that if there is such narrative in Sunni books saying that there is spiritual reward for mourning “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS], imam “Husayn” in particular or not?


As it’s said in question, it’s written in Shia authentic narratives that there is spiritual reward for crying, mourning and even sorrow for “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS].

Such narrative is written in Sunni resources such as “Sahaba virtues” book, written by “Ahmad bin Hanbal”, chief of “Hanbali” madhhab. He’s quoted authentic narrative from imam “Husayn” [AS] in which he says that the reward of shedding one droplet of tear mourning “Ahl al-Byat” [AS], is entering paradise, the text of the narrative quoted by “Ahmad bin Hanbal” is as follow:

حَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ إِسْرَائِيلَ، قَالَ: رَأَيْتُ فِي كِتَابِ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ حَنْبَلٍ رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ بِخَطِّ يَدِهِ، نا أَسْوَدُ بْنُ عَامِرٍ أَبُو عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ، قثنا الرَّبِيعُ بْنُ مُنْذِرٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، قَالَ: كَانَ حُسَيْنُ بْنُ عَلِيٍّ، يَقُولُ: مَنْ دَمَعَتَا عَيْنَاهُ فِينَا دَمْعَةً، أَوْ قَطَرَتْ عَيْنَاهُ فِينَا قَطْرَةً، أَثْوَاهُ اللَّهُ عز وجل الْجَنَّةَ

“Ahmad bin Israel” says: I saw in Ahmad bin Hanbal’s book that “Aswad bin Amir” {Abu Abd ar Rahman} quotes from “Rabi’ bin Munzar” that he’s father has said: “Husayn bin Ali” [AS] would always say: if someone’s eyes are filled with tear or if someone sheds one droplet of tear for us {Ahl al-Bayt}, god will put him in paradise.

“Ahmad bin Hanbal”- Sahaba virtues- vol. 2, p 675

Other Sunni scholars have written this narrative in their books and emphasized that “Ahmad bin Hnabal” has written it in his “Sahab virtues” book:

1: Muhib al-Din Tabari”:

عن الربيع بن منذر عن أبيه قال كان حسين بن علي رضي الله عنهما يقول من دمعت عيناه فينا دمعة أو قطرت عيناه فينا قطرة آتاه الله عز وجل الجنة. أخرجه أحمد في المناقب

…“Ahmad bin Hanbal” has quoted this narrative in “Manaqib” {Sahaba virtues} book.

“Muhib al-Din Tabari”- Zakha’ir al-Uqba fi Manaqib zu al-Qurba- vol. 1, p 19

2: “Mulla Ali Qari”:

أخرج أحمد في المناقب عن الربيع بن منذر عن أبيه قال : كان حسن بن علي يقول : من دمعت عيناه فينا دمعة أو قطرت عيناه فينا قطرة آتاه الله عز وجل الجنة

…“Ahmad bin Hanbal” has quoted this narrative in “Manaqib” {Sahaba virtues} book.

“Mulla Ali Qari”- Mirqa al-Mafatih – vol. 11, p 315

3: “Qanduzi Hanafi”:

He’s written this narrative in two pages of his book:

وعن الحسين بن علي ( رضي الله عنهما ) قال : من دمعت عيناه فينا دمعة أو قطرت عيناه فينا قطرة بوأه الله ( عز وجل ) الجنة. ( أخرجه أحمد في المناقب ).

“Qanduzi Hanafi”- Yanabi’ al-Mawaddah – vol. 2, pages 117 and 373

4: Sakhawi Shafi’i:

He’s quoted this narrative in his book as well:

قال : وعن الحسين بن علي رضي الله عنهما قال : من دمعت عيناه فينا أو قطرت عيناه فينا قطرة آتاه الله عز وجل الجنة . أخرجه أحمد في «المناقب».

“Husayn bin Ali” [AS] said: if someone’s eyes are filled with tear or if someone sheds one droplet of tear for us, god will put him in paradise. “Ahmad bin Hanbal” has written this narrative in his “Manaqib” book {Sahaba virtues}.

5: Aahmad bin Salih bin abi al-Rijal:

He has quoted this narrative in his book:

ولأحمد في مناقبه عن الحسين - عليه السلام -:من دمعت عيناه فينا قطرة آتاه الله تعالي الجنة

“Ahmad bin Hanbal” has quoted in”Manaqib” book that imam “Husayn” [AS] said: if someone’s eyes are filled with tear for us, god will put him in paradise.

“Ahmad bin Salih bin abi al-Rijal”- Matla’ al-Bador wa Majma’ al-Bahor- part 1, page 15

What interesting is that after quoting this narrative, author says:

والأحاديث في (هذا) المعني كثيرة

There are many narratives with such meaning and content.

So far, it’s been proved that five Sunni scholars have quoted from “Ahmad bin Hanbal” and not of them have found fault with the document or text of this narrative.

The researcher of “Sahaba virtues” book “Mr. Wasi Allah bin Abbas” writes about narrators of this narrative in foot print of the book:

(1154) احمد بن اسرائيل شيخ القطيعي لم اجده والباقون ثقات.

“Ahmad bin Isra’il” is the master of “Qati’i”, I didn’t find memoir about him; but other narrators of this narrative are reliable.

“Ahmad bin Hanbal”- Sahaba virtues, vol. 2, p 675, hadith No. 1154

According to this saying of book researcher, except “Ahmad bin Israel”, other narrators of this narrative are reliable. Now if the reliability of “Ahmad bin Israel” is proved, this narrative will be authentic. So, we search about the name “Ahmad bin Israel” and then we deal with biography and his reliability in the perspective of Sunni.

Citing the names of “Ahmad bin Israel” in Sunni scholars’ words:

With searching in Sunni scholars’ texts we see that “Ahmad bin Israel” has been recalled by different names and each one of them proves his relatedness with his ancestors and all those names return to him {Ahmad bin Israel}:

1: Abu al-Farj ibn Jawzi:

“Ibn Jawzi” has said three names for “Ahmad bin Israel”:

أبو بكر أحمد بن سليمان بن الحسن النجار روي عنه أبو حفص بن شاهين وهو أحمد بن سلمان بن الحسن بن إسرائيل بن يونس روي عنه ابن شاهين أيضا فنسبه إلي جد جده وهو أحمد بن إسرائيل الذي روي عنه أبو بكر بن مالك القطيعي

“Abu Bakr Sulayman bin Hasan Najjad”, “Abu Hafs Shahin” has quoted from him. “Abu Bakr” {in here} is “Ahmad bin Salman bin Hasan bin Israel bin Yunus” that “Ibn Shahin” has quoted from him. He’s been ascribed to his great-great-grandfather who is “Ahmad bin Israel” and “Abu Bakr bin Malik Qati’i” has quoted narrative from him.

“Abu al-Farj ibn al-Jawzi”- Talqih Fuhum ahl al-Athar- vol. 1, p 369

2: Khatib Baghdadi:

He has introduced four names for him:

ذكر أبي بكر أحمد بن سلمان بن الحسن النجاد

قد ذكرنا بعض حديثه فيما تقدم، وهو أَحْمَد بن يونس القطيعي، الذي روي عنه عمر بن أَحْمَد بن شاهين

 “Abu-Bakr Ahmad bin Salman bin Hasan Najjad”. We quoted some of his narratives before and he is “Ahmad bi Yunus Qati’i” and “Umar bin Ahmad bin Shahin” has quoted narrative from him.

After above text he quotes this narrative in which the name of “Ahmad bin Yunus Qati’i” is written:

أَخْبَرَنَا الْقَاضِي أَبُو بَكْرٍ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عُمَرَ الدَّاوُدِيُّ، أَخْبَرَنَا عُمَرُ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ الْوَاعِظُ، حَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ يُونُسَ الْقَطِيعِيُّ،حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ شَاذَانَ، حَدَّثَنَا مُعَلَّي، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ الْمُبَارَكِ، عَنْ يُونُسَ، عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، قَالَ: حَدَّثَنِي سَهْلُ بْنُ سَعْدٍ، عَنْ أُبَيِّ بْنِ كَعْبٍ، قَالَ: كَانَتِ الْفُتْيَا: الْمَاءُ مِنَ الْمَاءِ رُخْصَةً فِي أَوَّلِ الإِسْلامِ، ثُمَّ أُحْكِمَ الأَمْرُ، وَنَهَي عَنْهُ

After quoting narrative, he has introduced “Ahmad binSalman Najad” with his ancestors’ specifications:

هو أَحْمَد بن سلمان بن الحسن بن إسرائيل بن يونس، فنسبه عمر إلي جد جده. وهو أَحْمَد بن إسرائيل، الذي روي عنه أبو بكر بن مالك القطيعي

“Al-Khatib Baghdadi” – Muzih Awham al-Jam’ wa al-Tafriq- vol. 1, p 464

According to this phrase, “Hasan” is the first ancestor and “Israel” is the second ancestor and “Yunus” is the third ancestor of this narrator {Ahmad bin Israel}, so, his complete name is “Ahmad bin Salman bin al-Hasan bin Israel bin Yunus” but some have introduced him in the name of his second ancestor “Ahmad bin Israel” and some other have introduced him in the name of his third ancestor “Ahmad bin Yunus” that they mean the same person.

“Ahmad bin Hanbal” has quoted another narrative from “Ahmad bin Israel” in “Sahaba virtues” book:

حدثني أحمد بن إسرائيل قثنا محمد بن عثمان قثنا زكريا بن يحيي الكسائي نا يحيي بن سالم نا أشعث بن عم حسن بن صالح وكان يفضل عليه نا مسعر عن عطية العوفي عن جابر بن عبد الله الأنصاري قال قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم مكتوب علي باب الجنة محمد رسول الله علي أخو رسول الله قبل ان تخلق السماوات بالفي سنة

“Ahmad bin Hanbal” – Sahaba virtues- vol. 2, p 668

What interesting is that researcher of the book has said his opinion about all narrators of this hadith but he’s made no remark about “Ahmad bin Israel”.

3: Abd al-Karim Sam’ani:

“Sam’ani” is amongst Sunni genealogist scholars, he introduces “Ahmad bin Israel” as a “Hanbali” faqih and restates that he‘d give fatwa based on Ahmad bin Hanbal’s fiqh and was the disciple of “Abd Allah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal” and some other guys:

النجاد: بفتح النون والجيم المشددة وفي اخرها الدال المهملة هذه الحرفة مشهورة والمعروف بها أبو بكر أحمد بن سلمان بن الحسن بن إسرائيل بن يونس الفقيه الحنبلي المعروف بالنجاد من أهل بغداد كان له في جامع المنصور يوم الجمعة حلقتان قبل الصلاة وبعدها إحداهما للفتوي في الفقه علي مذهب أحمد بن حنبل والأخري لإملاء الحديث وهو ممن اتسعت رواياته وانتشرت أحاديثهسمع الحسن بن مكرم البزاز ... وعبد الله بن أحمد بن حنبل وقوما يطول ذكرهم .وكان ولادته في سنة ثلاث وخمسين ومئتين ومات في سنة ثمان وأربعين وثلاثمائة

Abu-Bakr, “Ahmad bin Salman bin al-Hasan bin Israel bin Yunus” is a “Hanbali” faqih and is from “Baghdad”, he had two classes in “Jami’ Mansur” mosque before and after prayer, one for fiqh fatwa based on Ahmad bin Hnabal’s madhhab and another one for writing narrative. He’d quote many narratives that were published.

He’s heard narrative from “Hasan bin Makram bazaz” and …. and “Abd Allah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal” and some other guys. He was born in 253 AH and died in 348 AH.

“Al-Sam’ani” – al-Ansab- vol. 5, p 457

After knowing the name and parentage of “Ahmad bin Israel”, we take a look at Sunni scholars’ words about him:

1: Hakim Nishapuri:

Hakim Nishapuri is one of the well-known Sunni scholars in “Rijal” science and hadith, many of narratives that “Ahmad bin Israel” is amongst their narrators were called authentic by him and it shows that this narrator {Ahmad bin Israel} is reliable in his opinion. Following is one of narratives that has been called authentic by “Hakim Nishapuri”:

 حدثنا أحمد بن سلمان بن الحسن النجاد الفقيه إملاء ببغداد حدثنا الحسن بن مكرم البزاز حدثنا عثمان بن عمر حدثنا علي بن المبارك عن يحيي بن أبي كثير عن عكرمة عن بن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال قضي رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم في المكاتب أن يقتل بدية الحر علي قدر ما أدي منه قال يحيي قال عكرمة عن بن عباس يقام عليه حد المملوك هذا حديث صحيح علي شرط البخاري ولم يخرجاه

Hakim Nishapuri- Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihayn- vol. 2, p 237

2: Ibn Jaradah:

“Umar bin Ahmad bin abi jaradah” is one of Sunni scholars, he says that “Ahmad bin Israel” is faqih and hadith narrator and reliable and writes:

أحمد بن سلمان بن الحسن بن إسرائيل بن يونس

المعروف بالنجاد الفقيه الحنبلي كان فقيها مفتيا ومحدثا متقنا واسع الرواية مشهور الدراية

“Ahmad bin Salman bin Hasan bin Israel bin Yunus”, known as “Najjad” is hanbali faqih who gives fatwa and is hadith narrator, reliable, he’s quoted many narratives and was known as a wise person.

“Ahmad bin abi Jaradah”- Baqiyah al-Talab fi Tarikh Halab- vol. 2, p 766

3: Al-Dhahabi

He’s said about him:

وكان أحمد بن إسرائيل من أذكياء العالم لا يسمع شيئاً إلا حفظه

“Ahmad bin Israel” is pious and his memory was so good that he’d memorize an issue right after hearing.

“Al-Dhahabi”- History of Islam- vol. 19, p 34

In another book “Al-Dhahabi” says that he is “Imam, hadith retentive, master of “Baghdad” scholars” and says that “Khatib Baghdadi” has said that he is honest:

النجاد الإمام الحافظ الفقيه شيخ العلماء ببغداد أبو بكر أحمد بن سلمان بن الحسن بن إسرائيل البغدادي الحنبلي ... قال الخطيب كان صدوقا عارفا صنف كتابا كبيرا في السنن وكان له بجامع المنصور حلقة قبل الجمعة للفتوي وحلقة بعدها للاملاء حدث عنه أبو بكر القطيعي

“Najjad” is imam, hadith retentive {someone who knows more than one thousand narratives}, faqih, master of “Baghdad” scholars, “Abu-Bakr Ahmad bin Salman bin Hasan bin Israel Baghdadi Hanbali… “Khatib Baghdadi” has said: he was honest and knowledgeable and he’d have a gathering about fatwa in “Jami’ Mansur” mosque before Friday prayer and after prayer, he’d hold a class for writing narratives and “Abu-Bakr Qati’i” has quoted narrative from him.

“al-Dhahabi”- Tazkira al-Huffaz- vol. 3, p 868

And in his “Mizan al-I’itidal fi Naqd al-Rijal” book, vol. 1, p 238, “al-Dhahabi” restates that “Ahmad bin Israel” is honest:

4: ibn Hajar Asqalani:

He says that he’s honest:

395 [ 583 ] - [ صح ] أحمد بن سلمان بن الحسن بن اسرائيل بن يونس أبو بكر النجاد الفقيه الحنبلي المشهور ... قلت هو صدوق ...

“al-Asqalani Shafi’i”- Lisan al-Mizan- vol. 1, p 180

5: ibn abi al-Dunya

He says about “Ahmad bin Israel”:

النجاد: الإمام المحدث الحافظ الفقيه المتقي ، شيخ العراق ، أبو بكر أحمد بن سلمان بن الحسن البغدادي - الحنبلي النجاد - . ... قال الخطيب البغدادي : كان النجاد صدوقا عارفا ، صنف السنن

“Najjad”: imam, hadith narrator, retentive, faqih, pious and elder of “Iraq”, “Ahmad bin Salman bin Hasan Baghdadi Hanbali known as “Najjad”. “Khatib Baghdadi” has said: “Najjad” is honest, knowledgeable and wrote “Sunan” book.

“Ibn abi al-Dunya”- al-Ikhwan- p 53

6: Ibn Athir:

وفيها قتل أحمد بن إسرائيل وكان صالح

“Ibn Athir” has said that he was righteous.

“Ibn Athir”- Completion of history”, vol. 6, p 203

7: Nasir al-Din Albani:

“Albani” is one of Wahhabi scholars and his saying is final word for Wahhabis, he says:

( فائدة ) : النجاد الذي عزا إليه الحديث مؤلف الكتاب هو أحمد بن سلمان بن الحسين أبو بكر الفقيه الحنبلي ، يعرف بالنجاد ، وهو حافظ صدوق جمع المسند ، وصنف في السنن كتابا كبيرا ، روي عنه الدارقطني وغيره من المتقدمين

…“Ahmad bin Israel” is honest and hadith retentive….

“Albani”- Irwa’ al-Qalil fi Takhrij Ahadith Minar al-Sabil, vol. 3, p 40


Firstly: it’s definitive that “Ahmad bin Hanbal” has quoted this narrative; because books in which this narrative is written have restated that “Ahmad bin Hanbal” has quoted it in his book “Manaqib” {Sahaba virtues}

Secondly: according to phrases that were quoted from Sunni scholars about “Ahmad bin Israel”, we realize that he is one person with four names, he’s sometimes known in the name of his second ancestor “Ahmad bin Israel” and sometimes in the name of his third ancestor “Ahmad bin Yunus” and is known as “Najjad”.

Certain evidences that prove that “Ahmad bin Israel” is “Ahmad Salman bin al-Hasan Najjad” are as follow:

1: researcher of “Sahaba virtues” book {Wasi Allah bin Abbas} says in footnote that “Ahmad bin Israel” is the master of “Qati’i”:

(1154) احمد بن اسرائيل شيخ القطيعي لم اجده والباقون ثقات.

“Ahmad bin Hanbal”- Sahaba virtues- vol. 2, p 675, Hadith 1154

“Abu al-Farj”, “Ibn al-Jawzi” and “Khatib Baghdadi” and some other scholars have also said that “Ahmad Salman bin al-Hasan Najjad” is the master of “Abu-Bakr Qati’i”.

2: above scholars have restated that “Ahmad bin Salma bin al-Hasan Najjad” is one of “Hanbali” madhhab scholars and would hold class in “Jami’ Mansur” mosque for quoting and writing narratives on Fridays. This report confirms that he was hadith teller and one of his narratives is above narrative about imam “Husayn” [AS].

3: in “Sahaba virtues” book another narrative has been quoted via “Ahmad bin Israel” that “Khatib Baghdadi” has quoted it as well. And “Jawami’ Kalim” application that is made by Sunni, in this application "Ahmad bin Israel” – one of narrators of this narrative – is the same as “Ahmad bin al-Hasan bin Israel bin Yunus”.

Thirdly: researcher of the “Sahaba virtues” book claimed that I didn’t find biography for him, but according to our research “Ahmad bin Israel” is a well-known person amongst Sunni scholars of “Rijal” science and hadith scholars and is reliable and has been praised.

So, document of above narrative is quite authentic.

Good luck.


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