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When was Shia sect founded?
ID: 481 Publish Date: 15 December 2016 - 12:34 Count Views: 4559
Question & Answer » Shia
When was Shia sect founded?

Questioner: Suran


When and how was Shia sect founded? And how can we say that more than one billion Muslims are wrong and Shia that is in minority is right?


Dear friend, in Quran logic, majority is never the criteria of rightfulness, as god almighty has mentioned to this point in Quran, god says in Quran fifteen times:

أَكْثَرَهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ

Most of them do not know.

Chapters: AL-ANAAM / 37 /// AL-ARAF/ 13 /// AL-ANFAL / 34 /// YUNUS / 55,…

Or this verse:

أَكْثَرُهُمْ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ

Most of them do not understand. 

Chapters: AL-ANKABOOT / 63 and AL-HUJRAAT, 55

On the other hand if you take a look around, you’ll see that most of the people around the world are “Christian”.

According to studies done by experts and global statisticians in 2005, 33% of people around the world ore “Christian” while Muslims have the second place by 21%.

So, if we say that majority is the criteria of rightfulness, so you should become “Christian”, because in your opinion, is that possible 33% of people are wrong and 21% of people of the world are right?

Source: Wikipedia

If you’re fair, you’ll find out that you’re wrong.

As for this matter that why the population of Sunni is more than Shias, it requires independent conversation and it has different reasons either, at this time it’s irrelevant to our discussion, but we’ll talk about it later if it’s necessary.

But about this saying of yours that Shia sect was founded in “Safvid dynasty”, we take it for granted that you’re not aware of history and issues written in your own books {Sunni books}, to resolve any ambiguity, pay attention to following issues:

قال تعالي ( إن الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات أولئك هم خير البرية ) . لما نزلت هذه الآية قال الرسول لعلي يا علي ( ع ) هم أنت و شيعتك .

When this verse: “But those who believe and do good deeds are the best of all creatures” was sent down, Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] said to commander of the faithful Ali [AS]: the meaning of this verse is you and your Shias.

Sura AL-BAYYINA, verse 7

“ibn Hajar al-Haytam”, Al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, p 96 /// “Al-Hakim Haskani”, Shawahid al-Tanzil, v 2, p 356 // “Al-Khwarizmi”, Al-Manaqib, p 62 and 187 // Al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur, v 6, p 379 // “Tafsir al-Tabari”, v 3, p 146 /// “Al-Shukani”, Fath al-Qadir, v 5, p 477 // “Al-Juwayni”- Fara’id al-Simtayn- v 1, p 156 and ….

... أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب قال قال رسول الله ( صلي الله عليه وسلم ) يا علي إذا كان يوم القيامة يخرج قوم من قبورهم لباسهم النور علي نجائب من نور أزمتها يواقيت حمر تزفهم الملائكة إلي المحشر فقال علي تبارك الله ما أكرم هؤلاء علي الله قال رسول الله ( صلي الله عليه وسلم ) يا علي هم أهل ولايتك وشيعتك ومحبوك يحبونك بحبي ويحبوني بحب الله هم الفائزون يوم القيامة

Commander of the faithful Ali [AS] said: prophet [PBUH] told me: O “Ali” when day of resurrection comes up, some will come out of their graves that their clothing is made of light and are riding camels made by light and those camels’ tether is made of ruby, and angels will see them off to resurrection, then prophet said: they are those who have accepted your guardianship and Imamate, they’re your Shias, they like you because they like me and they like me because they like god, they get to salvation on the day of resurrection.

“Ibn Asakir”- The History of Damascus, v42, p 332

روي ابن عساكر بإسناده عن جابر بن عبد اللّه، قال: كنّا عند النبي صلي اللّه عليه وسلّم، فأقبل علي بن أبي طالب، فقال رسول اللّه: «قد أتاكم أخي، ثمّ التفت الي الكعبة فضربها بيده. ثمّ قال: والذي نفسي بيده، إنّ هذا وشيعته لهم الفائزون يوم القيامة.

ثمّ قال: إنّه أوّلكم إيماناً معي، وأوفاكم بعهد اللّه، وأقومكم بأمر اللّه، وأعدلكم في الرعيّة، وأقسمكم بالسويّة، وأعظمكم عند اللّه مزية». قال: وفي ذلك الوقت نزلت فيه: (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّلِحَتِ أُولَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ). البيّنة:7/98.

كان أصحاب محمد صلي اللّه عليه وسلّم إذا أقبل علي قالوا: قد جاء خير البرية. 

“Ibn Asakir” quotes from “Jabir bin Ansari” who said: I was with prophet [PBUH] that “Ali” [AS] came to us, then messenger of god [PBUH] said: your brother came, Then he turned towards “Ka’aba” and knocked it and said: swear by god that my life is in his hands, indeed, this man and his Shias get to solvation on the day of resurrection.

Then prophet Muhammad [PBUH] said: “Ali” is the first guy who believed in me, amongst you, he’s the most loyal one to divine promise and is the most steadfast one in divine orders and the most righteous one in dealing with subordinates and the fairest one and is better than all of you with god.

“Jabir” said: then this verse “But those who believe and do good deeds are the best of all creatures”, was sent down about Hadrat “Ali” [AS], and whenever “Ali” [AS] would come, prophet [PBUH] would say: the best creature of god has come.

 “Ibn Asakir”, The History of Damascus- v 42- p 371

وعن ابن عباس ( رض ) قال : لما نزلت هذه الآية : ان الذين امنوا وعملوا الصالحات أولئك هم خير البرية قال : لعلي هو أنت وشيعتك تأتي يوم القيامة أنت وشيعتك راضين مرضيين ويأتي عدوك غضبانا مقحمين ...

“Ibn Abbas” says: when this verse “But those who believe and do good deeds are the best of all creatures” was sent down, messenger of god [PBUH] said to “Ali” [AS]: the meaning of this verse is you and your Shias, on the day of resurrection, you and your Shias will come while you’re pleased of god and god is pleased of you and your enemy will come while he’s angry and perished…

“Zarandi al-Hanafi”- Nazm durari al-Simtayn- p 92

... عن الشعبي عن علي قال : قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم : " أنت وشيعتك في الجنة "

“Shu’bi” quotes from commander of the faithful [AS] that prophet Muhammad [PBUH] said: {O Ali}, you and your Shias will go to paradise on the day of resurrection.

“History of Baghdad”- v 12, p 284

أن رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم قال لعلي أنت وشيعتك تردون علي الحوض رواة مرويين بيضة وجوهكم وان عدوك يردون علي الحوض ظمأ مقمحين

Messenger of god [PBUH] said: O “Ali”! {On the day of resurrection} you and your Shias will come to me next to “Al Kawthar” {name of a river, its pool and springs} while you’re watered and your faces are bright and your enemy will come to me next to “Al-Kawthar” while he’s thirsty and perished.

“Al-Tabarani”- al-Mu’jam al-Kabir- v 1, p 319, Hadith No. 948

There are about forty narratives with such contents in Sunni resources.

Names of some of companions of prophet [PBUH] who were Shia:

“Al-Dhahabi” says about “Hujr bin ‘Adi bin Jabala bin ‘Adi”:

وهو حجر الخير ... أبو عبد الرحمن الشهيد . له صحبة ووفادة ... وكان شريفا ، أميرا مطاعا ، أمارا بالمعروف ، مقدما علي الانكار ، من شيعة علي رضي الله عنهما

He’s “Hujr bin ‘Adi”, his nickname is “Abu abd ar-Rahman” who was martyred. He’s amongst the companions of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] and he was honorable man and obedient ruler and would order to the good a lot and he was always pioneer in forbidding from the evil and he’s amongst the Shias of “Ali” [AS].

“Al-Dhahabi”- Siyar al’A’lam al-Nubala- v 3, p 463

“Al-Dhahabi” writes about “Wahab al-Hamdani al-Khaywani al-Kufi”:

من كبراء شيعة علي ... أسلم في حياة النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم

He was amongst great Shias of “Ali” [AS]… he became Muslim during prophet [PBUH]’s life.

“Al-Dhahabi”- Siyar al-A’lam al-Nubala- v 3, p 180

“Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr” says about “abu al-Tufail al-Sahabi”:

أبو الطفيل عامر بن واثلة الكناني .. وقد ذكره ابن أبي خيثمة في شعراء الصحابة... وكان متشيّعاً في علي. 

“Abu Tufail” …. “Ibn abi Khithamah” has said his names amongst poet companions and he was amongst Shias of “Ali” [AS].

“Al-Isti’ab”- Ibn Abd al-Barr, v 4, p 1696

“Ibn abi al-Hadid” says:

وكان سلمان من شيعة علي ( عليه السلام ) وخاصته

“Salman” was amongst Shias of “Ali” [AS] and his particular companions.

 “Ibn abu al-Hadid”- comments on the Peak of Eloquence- v 18, p 39

“Mas’udi Shafi’i” says:

أن الإمام عليا أقام ومن معه من شيعته في منزله بعد أن تمت البيعة لأبي بكر

After people swore allegiance with “Abu-Bakr”, Imam “Ali” [AS] and his Shias sat-in in Ali [AS]’s house.

“Al-Mas’udi”- Ithbat al-Wasiyyah

“Taqi al-Din Sabki” writes in the book “Al-Tabaqat al-Shafi’iyah” that “Mas’udi Sahafi’i” is one of the Shafi’i-faith scholars.

“Al-Tabaqat al-Shafi’iyah”- v 3, p 456-457

“Subhi Saleh” says:

كان بين الصحابة حتي في عهد النبي ( صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم ) شيعة لربيبه علي ، منهم : أبو ذر الغفاري ، والمقداد بن الأسود ، وجابر بن عبد الله ، وأبي بن كعب ، وأبو الطفيل عمر بن وائلة ، والعباس بن عبد المطلب وجميع بنيه ، وعمار بن ياسر ، وأبو أيوب الأنصاري

 even during prophet [PBUH]’s life, some of companions of prophet were Shias of Ali -trained by prophet- such as: “Abu Dhar Ghifari”, “Meqdad bin Aswad”, “Jabir bin Abdullah, “Ubay bin Ka’b”, “Abu Tufail ‘Amir bin Wathilah”, “Abbas bin abd al-Mattalib”, “Ammar bin Yasir” and “Abu Ayyub al-Ansari”.

“Al-Nazm al-Islamiyyah”- p 96

“Muhammad Kurd Ali” writes:

عرف جماعة من كبار الصحابة بموالاة علي في عصر رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم ، مثل سلمان الفارسي ، القائل : بايعنا رسول الله علي النصح للمسلمين ، والائتمام بعلي بن أبي طالب ، والموالاة له ، ومثل أبي سعيد الخدري ... ومثل أبي ذر الغفاري وعمار بن ياسر ، وحذيفة بن اليمان وذي الشهادتين ، وأبي أيوب الأنصاري ، وخالد بن سعيد ، وقيس بن سعد . 

At the time prophet Muhammad [PBUH], many of companions would be known as the friends and followers of “Ali” [AS], such as “Salman” who said: we swore allegiance with prophet [PBUH] to do good deeds to Muslims and accept the Imamate and guardianship of “Ali” and like him. Other guys such as: “Abi Sai’id Khederi”… and “Abu Dhar Ghaffari”, “Ammar ibn Yasir”, “Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman”, “Abi Ayyub Ansari”, “Khālid ibn Sa`īd” and “Qais ibn Sa’d” were amongst those companions as well.

“Khitat al-Sham”, v 5, p 251 – 256

“Ibn Hazm” says:

وروينا عن نحو عشرين من الصحابة أن أكرم الناس علي رسول الله ( صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم ) علي بن أبي طالب

We have narrative from about twenty of companions of prophet [PBUH] that “Ali bin Abi Talib” was the most respectable person with prophet [PBUH].

“Al-Fasl fi al-Melal wa aI-Ahwa’ wa al-Nihal- v 3, p 32

The foundation of Shia in Sunni scholars’ quotation

“Ibn Khaldun” says about the beginning of the appearance of Shia:

 مبدأ دولة الشيعة: اعلم أنّ مبدء هذه الدولة، أنّ أهل البيت لمّا توفي رسول اللّه صلي اللّه عليه وسلّم كانوا يرون أنّهم أحق بالأمر وأنّ الخلافة لرجالهم دون سواهم من قريش. 

وفي قصّة الشوري أنّ جماعة من الصحابة كانوا يتشيعون لعلي ويرون استحقاقه علي غيره ولمّا عدل به إلي سواه تأففوا منه وأسفوا له مثل الزبير ومعه عمار بن ياسر والمقداد بن الأسود وغيرهم

“Ibn Khaldun” says about the beginning of the appearance of Shia:

Know that the beginning of founding Shia is that when prophet Muhammad [PBUH] passed away, “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS] would say that caliphate is our inalienable right and believed that men of “Bani Hashim” deserve caliphate and other men of “Quraysh” tribe have no right in caliphate.

In the matter of “council” -in which Abu-Bakr was selected as caliph- some of companions were considered as Shias of “Ali” [AS] and they believed that no one deserves to be caliph other than “Ali bin abi Talib” [AS] and when another guy became caliph they express hatred, such as: “Zubayr”, “Ammar bin Yasir”, “Meqdad bin Aswad” and others.

The history of Ibn Khaldun”- v 3, p 171

Master “Muhammad ibn Abd Allah Anan” says:

من الخطأ أن يقال : إن الشيعة ظهرت ولأول مرة عند انشقاق الخوارج . بل كان بدء الشيعة وظهورهم في عصر الرسول ( صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم ) حين أمره الله بإنذار عشيرته في الآية 214 من الشعراء : (وأنذر عشيرتك الأقربين) ولبي النبي فجمع عشيرته في بيته وقال لهم مشيرا إلي علي : هذا أخي ووصيي وخليفتي فيكم فاسمعوا له وأطيعوا

It’s wrong if someone says Shia was first founded at the time of “Khawarij” sedition, but the beginning of appearing Shia was during prophet [PBUH]’s life, the beginning of prophetic mission, it means the same time that god said to his prophet [PBUH]: “Warn your tribe and your near kinsmen”, then prophet [PBUH] gathered his relatives in his home and pointed out to “Ali” and said: this person is my brother, ad my successor amongst you after me, so listen to him and obey him.

“Abd Allah Ni’ma”- The Sprite of Tashayyu’ – p 20

“Abu Hatam Razi Sahl ibn Muhammad ibn UthmanSajistani” says:

الشيعة لقب لقوم كانوا قد ألفوا أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب - صلوات الله عليه - في حياة رسول الله - صلي الله عليه وسلم - وعرفوا به ، مثل سلمان الفارسي ، وأبي ذر الغفاري ، والمقداد بن الأسود ، وعمار بن ياسر ، وكان يقال لهم شيعة علي ، وأصحاب علي

Shia was the title of those who were the friends of commander of the faithful at the time of prophet [PBUH] and would be known as those who like “Ali” [AS], guys such as: “Salamn Farsi”, “Abu Dhar Ghaffari”, “Meqdad ibn Aswad”, “Amamr ibn Yasir”, and they were called Shia of “Ali” and companions of “Ali”.

“Muhammad bin Sajestani”- the book of al-Zinat, p 65 /// “Saleh al-Wardani al-Mustabsar”- Shia in Egypt, p 10

وكان عامّة المهاجرين وجلّ الأنصار لا يشكّون أنّ عليّاً هو صاحب الأمر بعد رسول اللّه

Most of “Muhajirin” {those who emigrated with Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] from Mecca to Medina, the event known in Islam as The Hijra} and “Ansar” had no doubt that after messenger of god [PBUH], “Ali” [AS] is the caliph.

“The History of Ya’qubi”- v 2, p 103


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