Friday 26 April 2024

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1 Why didn`t the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) write his will?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
2 Who performed the khotbe of the marriage of Hazrat Khadije and the messenger of God?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
3 Did Hazrat Khadije (peace be upon him) marry another person before the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants)?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
4 Did the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) forget some verses of the Quran?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
5 Has the Holy Prophet of God been Buried in the Room of Ayeshah?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
6 Considering the fact that Allah the Almighty is the only one who does not make any mistake and error, so what is the reason for infallibility of the prophets from sin and mistake?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
7 Why did the prophet of the Islam (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) marry Aeshe and Hafse?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
8 Why did prophet [PBUH] marry “Ayesha” and “Hafsah”?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>
9 Did prophet leave the world poisoned?<font color=red size=-1>- Comments: 0</font>

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