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Sleeping near a wall: forbidden for women, because it is male!
ID: 27 Publish Date: 07 January 2016 - 19:43 Count Views: 2662
Wahhabism » Wahhabism
Sleeping near a wall: forbidden for women, because it is male!

Ms. “al-Ghabisi” the founder of “Al-Ghabisiat” movement was born in 1933 in Damascus and titled herself Anseh (virgin). She educated in Syria’s capital schools and graduated in natural sciences. Early in 60s she started her educational and propagandist activities.

According to the newest Fatwa of a Wahhabi figure, it is forbidden for women to sleep by the wall, because the word wall is masculine in Arabic.

Although this fatwa was published in “VATAN” news which is only a local newspaper, it raised widespread disputes among Syrian social and religious associations in the rejection and condemnation of this witless fatwa. This fatwa is released by a Mufti female “Munira al-Ghabisi”

Doctor Toufigh al-Ramadan, the head of Islamic jurisprudence in the department of religions in university of Damascus rejects this fatwa and says: this is a frivolous statement. I seek Allah’s refuge and merci upon what “Munira al-Ghabisis” has said.

This fatwa has turned to a big crisis in religious associations in Syria. Some people call her a disbeliever (kafir) and some other are investigating her life closely to understand by whom she was educated and disciplined!

Toufigh Ramadan attacks Ms “al-Ghabisi” and her followers in his article: “she governs an extremist party of women whose members are very radical.”

It should be pointed that “Munira al-Ghabisi” has founded an intellectual religious school 40 years ago which now has become a big organization. It has its own independent geometrical communication network and a great influence on the sophisticated class of Syrian girls and women. A large number of mothers, daughters and women of responsibility are students of her intellectual school and also a majority of them are her followers.

Her opponents believe that this issue is due to her “holy statues” and “uniqueness” among her followers, as they try to outpace each other in kissing her hands and feet. They also believe that whatever she believes in; exists in God’s essence.

Meanwhile “Majma’ Ahmad Kaftarou” a well-known sheikh in Syria, has condemned that fatwa and said: this is a strange thinking which has never existed in the whole history of Shariah of Islam, it is originated from darkness of mind and paganism thinking, it’s goal is to make disorder and riot in Arabic Islamic world by distorting religious facts.


Ms “al-Ghabisi” who founded “Al-Ghabisiat” movement, was born in 1933 in Damacus. She titled herself Anseh (virgin). She educated in syria’s capital schools and graduated in natural sciences. Early in 60s she started her educational and propagandist activities. In two decades, she had both public and secret activities. With the aid of her propagandist and educational programs, she managed to develop her activities first stage in different states of Syria and at second stage; they crossed the borders and reached the Arab world. Until now her followers are estimated as 75 thousands of young girls.



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