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The first Shiite scholar who wrote a book against Wahhabism
ID: 24 Publish Date: 07 January 2016 - 17:18 Count Views: 8755
Wahhabism » Wahhabism
The first Shiite scholar who wrote a book against Wahhabism

After Sayyed Bahr-al-Olum, the leadership (Marja’eyat) was handled to Sheikh Jafar Kashef al-Gheta. In his time of leadership, he was fighting in four fronts: two intellectual disciplines and two wars.

Fighting Akhbaris

He was a student of Vahid Behbahani. Vahid Behbahani was the pioneer of battles against Akhbari methodology in shiest jurisprudnce and he could dominate “Osuli” methodology again. After Vahid his students continued his way. In the time of Kashef al-Gheta, Mirza Muhammad Akhbari was the leader of Akhbari school of thought and with the aid of his prophecy abilities, he was welcomed in the roual court of Fath’ali Shah Ghajar. Mirza Muhammad wrote some books on rejection of Osuli books and cursed non-Akhbari scholars and leaders. Sheikh Jafar Kashef al-Gheta wrote a book to respond to accusations and claims of Mirza Muhammad Ketabi, it was called Kashf al-Gheta an Ma’ayeb Mirza Muhammad Ado al-Olama. This book is not his famous Kashfe al-Gheta which is about Fiqh. Before this, Kashef al-Gheta had written another book—Hagh al-Mobin, an explanation of Osuli school of thought and rejection of Akhbari’s.

Fighting Wahhabism

Muhammad ibn Abdol-Wahab was contemporary to Sheikh Jafar Kashefe al-Gheta. He developed Wahabi thinking together with Ibn Taymiye ideas and Muhammad ibn Sa’oud’s interaction—the ancestor of Ale Sa’oud. Wahabism started fight with other Islamic sects claiming the defense of monotheism (Tohid) thought and rejection of polytheism. Shi’a and Sunni scholars and Olama stood against Wahhabism. The first book on rejection of Wahabism was written by Abdol-Wahab’s brother with the name of al-Sava’egh al-Ilahiya fi al-Rad al-Wahabiya.

Among shi’a scholars, Sheikh Jafar Kashef al-Gheta wrote the first book against wahabism “Monhaj al-Reshad”. He inscribed this book as a response to a treatise sent to him by one of Ale Sa’oud rulers, Abdol-Aziz ibn Sa’oud; and compiled the ideas of Muhammad ibn Abdol-Wahab there. This book was published in 1343 H. in Najaf.


Armed against Wahabism raid

When ibn Sa’oud showed their tendency toward Wahabism, Muhammad ibn Abdol-Wahab promised him his dominance all over the peninsula. They raided other Muslim calling them pegans (kafir Harbi) and set off many wars in Najd and Yemen and Hejaz and Syria and Iraq. Muhammad ibn Abdol-Wahab died in 1206 H. but his followers continued the fights. In 1216 Amir Sa’oud raided Karbala with twenty thousand of soldiers. He overcame city’s army and killed more than five thousand people and plundered the properties and paybox of Aba-Abdellah’s Holy Shrine. This war occurred while many Kufis were gone to Najaf Ashraf in Eid al-Ghadir.

Sa’oud ibn Abdol-Aziz noticed Najaf Ashraf after his foray in Karbala. He surrounded Najaf and killed a group of their people. The first action of Najaf people was to transfer the properties of Amiral-Mo’emenin Holy Shrine to Baghdad to save it from plunder. After this, they get armed to defense their land and lives. The great leader of Najaf people in this war was the great Shi’a scholar “Alameh Sheikh Jafar Kashef al-Gheta” supported by other shi’a scholars. The number of Wahabism raiders was 15000, from which 700 were killed and the remains were forced to retreat. Then they started to attack and plunder nearby countryside and lands.

After this event, Sheikh Jafar Kashef al-Gheta ordered inhabitants to build a wall around Najaf (sour Najaf) and Muhammad Hasan khan Sadr Isfahani took the responsibility and built this vital wall.

Fight with Russians who attacked Iran

In the time of war between Russia and Iran, Sheikh Jafar Kashef al-Gheta who had high reputation among people, cpmmanded them to stand against Russian and as the deputy of Imam Asr (aj) gave the leadership of war to Fath’ali Shah.

“If I am a Mujtahed and qualified to be the deputy of Sadat Zaman, I gave the responsibility and permission of war to Soltan ibn Soltan, Khaqan ibn Khaqan, Fath’ali Shah, who is blessed by God and may god save him for his nation. He is allowed to obtain whatever he needs for this war, from the taxes of our lands and the like plus zakat of gold, silver, seeds and etc. It is an obligation for every Muslim to obey his orders.

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