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Does the narration’’ if Fatima was not created then I would not have created you two’’ imply that the standing of Her holiness Fatima is more prominent than the position of the holy prophet of GOD and His Holiness Ali (peace be upon him)?
ID: 126 Publish Date: 20 January 2016 - 10:04 Count Views: 2784
Question & Answer » Shia beliefs
Does the narration’’ if Fatima was not created then I would not have created you two’’ imply that the standing of Her holiness Fatima is more prominent than the position of the holy prophet of GOD and His Holiness Ali (peace be upon him)?



This narration is a Morsal saying and has no authentic proof and we have presented all of its documents in a detailed research in the below address in our website

the agreement of the narration’s concept with the verses of the holy Qur’an and Shiite faiths

but in spite of this we cannot reject it due to its concept since it is not necessary that Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her) be superior to the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) and the commander of the faithful (peace be upon him) because the real intent is that you three and according to the other narrations all of the 14 sacred Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them) are complementary however some of them are superior than the others among themselves and all of them together fulfill the main purpose of the creation and if one of you were not present then this goal would not be realized and Allah the Almighty never created anything now in this circle, the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) is the most distinguished man and then the commander of the faithful and after then Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her)

Allah the Almighty states in the holy Qur’an that 

يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِنْ رَبِّكَ وَإِنْ لَمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ

O the prophet, deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord and if you do it not then you have not delivered His message

The chapter Maidah (The Food) verse 67

In this verse in spite of the whole efforts being made by the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) in delivering His message, Allah the Almighty states to His Holiness that if you do not announce the Imamate of the commander of the faithful to the people then as result of his prophecy continuation is in danger as if you did not delivered His message now with this respect, is this thing in contrast to the faith of the whole Moslems –both Shiites and Sunnites- pertaining to the superiority of the holy prophet of GOD (peace and bless of GOD be upon him and his progeny) than the commander of the faithful?

No. since, this verse only refer to this point that the religion is perfect only when there is a guarantee for its existence and that guarantee is the Imamate of Aemah (Imams) peace be upon them) thus the religion has no meaning without Velayat (Imamate) and will not be remain and these two are complementary but in this circle the holy prophet of GOD is the main character and imams are in the next place after His Holiness

And pertaining to the statement which has been mentioned about the dignity of Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her) the same meaning has been intended namely, Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her) is the main cause of the continuation of Velayat and Imamate as well as she was the mothers of Imams (Om Al-Aemah) and as a result of her efforts the rightfulness of the commander of the faithful (peace be upon her) is just like the shining sun after 15 centuries and no religious doubt can call into question that

Most of the Sunnite scholars and great figures have became Shiite due to the stance of Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her) against the Qaliphs and in defense of the commander of the faithful and accepted the velayat of the commander of the faithful as well

If the narration ‘’ if Ali was not and if Fatima was not’’ has been stated by a Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them) then this concept has to be considered since not only this meaning is in contrast to the holy Qur’an verses and Shiite faiths but also it is in conformity with them







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