Monday 10 June 2024

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201 Why didn`t the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) write his will?
202 Why did Hazrat Khezr murder a youth whereas he had not committed any crime?
203 Did the late Kashef Al-Ghata( may God`s mercy be upon him) and Ayatollah Khui ( may God mercy be upon him) deny the martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra ( peace be upon him)?
204 Are there any valid documents that demonstrate that the cut head of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) on the lance recited the Quran?
205 Is Ghoteybe Dnuri the writer of the book `` Al-Emame Al-Siyase``?
206 Did Umar swear allegiance with Amir Momenan (peace be upon him) in Khadir Khom?
207 Did  Umar Ben Khatab only threaten?
208 Did Aeshe prostrate after she heard the news of the martyrdom of Amir Momenan (peace be upon him)?
209 Did Aeshe refuse to bury the dead body of Imam Mojtaba (peace be upon him) in the house of the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants)?
210 Isn`t the martyrdom of Hazrat Mohsen (peace be upon him) in contrast with the remark of the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) who said to Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her) `` you are the first person from my Ahle Beit that will join me``.
211 been narrated in the Sunni sources with valid   «علي مع الحق» Has the narration
212 is from Imam Sadegh ( peace be « ولدني ابوبكر مرتين»Is it true that this  narration       upon him)?
213 been narrated in the Sunni  «من أطاع عليا فقد أطاعني»   Has the narration
Sources with valid document?
214 been narrated by Masrur Ben Makhrame?  «فاطمة‌ بضعة مني»      Has the narration
215 in contrast with the  «فنظر امير المؤمنين(ع) بين فخذيها»	isn`t the narration
Immaculateness of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)?
216 Is the following narration valid?

«رسول الله (ص) ينام بين على وعائشة»
217 Are there any Hadiths about the honor of hurting Fateme Zahar(peace be upon her)?
218 Did the houses of Medina have wooden doors?
219 Has the Ghertas Hadith been narrated by Ibn Abbas?
220 Did calendars use the word `` demise`` about Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her) before 71 A.H.?
221 Did some narrators of Sehah Sete drink wine?
222 Did Amir Momenin (peace be upon him) refer to the Khadir Hadith?
223 Is it true that Abu Hanife considered the remark of Umar as the remark of Satan?
224 Do Shia believe that other Islamic schools of thought are infidels?
225 Does the variety of Haztat Narjis’s names prove that Hazrat Mahdi (AS) has never been born?
226 What can we do to win the contentment of the Imam of the Time (AS)?
227 Whom has the narrative of “Whosoever dies without recognizing the Imam of his time dies the death of the time of ignorance” been originally quoted from?
228 What similarities are there between Hazrat Mahdi (AS) and Dhul Qarnayn (he who has two horns)?
229 Who is going to wash the dead body of the Imam of the Time (AS) and shroud him after his demise?
230 Why have not the names of the Imams been mentioned explicitly in Quran?
231 Has the verse « قُلْ لِلْمُخَلَّفِينَ مِنَ الْأَعْرَابِ ... » been revealed about the wars between Abu Bakr and the people of Radah (Rebels)?
232 Are there any authentic traditions for Imam Ali’s (AS) birth in Kaaba?
233 Do Shiites believe that their opponents are bastards?

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