“Yahya Attar” {one of the residents of “Rey” country} has quoted that imam “Hadi” [AS] said:
أما إنّک لَوزُرتَ قَبرَ عَبدِالعَظیمِ عِندَکُم کُنتَ کَمَن زارَ الحُسَینَ بنَ عَلِیٍّ علیه السّلام.
Know that if you make a pilgrimage to the grave of “Abdul Azim” in your city, you’re like someone who has made pilgrimage to “Husain ibn Ali” [AS].
“Wasa’il al-Shia” – vol. 14, p 575 /// “Kamil al-Ziyarat” – p 582, Hadith No. 826