Till Monday night, celebrations to mark the birth anniversary of Hazrat Abbas continued. Anniversary of Imam Hussain’s birthday was celebrated from Saturday night to Sunday and birth anniversary of Bibi Zainab (AS) from Thursday night to Friday.
Shia majority areas were illuminated and decorated beautifully. Shia Muslims wore new cloths and used perfumes to express their pleasure and also distributed Eidi among children.
Special prayers were held alongside congregations of prose and poetry to commemorate the third infallible Imam of Shia Islam, his brother and his sister. Poets recite poems to eulogize the Imam. Religious speakers highlighted various aspects of sacred life of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), Hazrat Abbas and Bibi Zainab (AS).
Shia Muslims are preparing to celebrate the birth anniversary of Hazrat Imam Ali Zain ul Abideen (AS) and other eminent figures of Shia Islam whose birth anniversaries fall in the holy month of Shaaban.