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Yazid, among special caliphs of Prophet!!!
ID: 54 Publish Date: 12 January 2016 - 09:55 Count Views: 3718
Wahhabism » Wahhabism
Yazid, among special caliphs of Prophet!!!

If you search the web (in Arabic) about Yazid, you can find many articles on Yazid, the Omavid caliph or Yazid, the seventh caliph, etc which attempt to defend and justify Yazid and construct a good reputation for him.


We all know that all Islamic schools of thought believe that our Prophet enunciated the caliphate of twelve men who will establish religion in their time. Narrations in this regard are successive and available even in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim and other influential books of Alh-Al-Sunat.
Sunnite scholars presented different theories to realize the Prophet’s intention from these twelve caliphs, but the interesting point is that in four quotations which are well-known among Sunnite, we can see Yazid is one of the twelve caliphs.
This means that they even put Yazid’s name in this list, in order to delude public from twelve Imams of Shiite and present their own interpretation.
In the following, evidences will be presented for you:
1. The idea of Ghazi Ayaz and Beihaghi (many Sunnite scholars are inclined to it or agreed; some others like Ibn Hajaf Asghalani had accepted with slight changes.)
The meaning of twelve caliphs is the twelve men who were respectful in his time, when Islam was powerful and nation had no disagreements upon caliphs.
This twelve men are: the three (salas) caliphs, Ali ibn Abi-Talib, Mu’aviye, Yazid ibn Mu’aviye, Abdulmalek,…
فيض القدير مناوي ج2/ص458 چاپ اول المکتبة التجارية الکبري مصر 1356
فتح الباري ابن حجر عسقلاني ج13/ص212 چاپ دار المعرفة بيروت
الصواعق المحرقة على أهل الرفض والضلال والزندقة ابن حجر هيثمي ج1/ص55 چاپ اول موسسة الرسالة بيروت 1417
تاريخ الخلفاء سيوطي ج1/ص10چاپ اول مطبعة السعادة مصر 1371
دلائل النبوة بيهقي ج6/ص520
البداية والنهاية ج6/ص249 چاپ مکتبة المعارف بيروت
2. The idea of Ibn Hajar Asghalani:
He says the former statement is problematic and the proplem is the succession of these twelve caliphs is not considered here. So it implies that twelve caliphs are from Abubakr to Omar ibn Abdul-Aziz, with the exceptions of Mu’aviye ibn Yazid and Marvan ibn Hakam. So according to him caliphs are:
1. Abu-Bakr, 2. Omar, 3.Osman, 4.Imam Ali (Pbuh), 5. Imam Hasan (Pbuh), 6. Mu’aviye 7. Yazid ibn Mu’aviye 8. Abdullah ibn Zobeyr 9. Abdul-Malek, 10. Al-Valid, 11. Soleyman 12. Omar ibn Abdul-Aziz
فتح الباري ج13/ص215
عمدة القاري ج24/ص282
3. The idea of Sadr-al-Din Ali ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Abi al-Ez al-Hanafi
He says this twelve men are the Four caliphs (Abu-Bakr, Omar, Osman, Ali (Pbuh)) and Mu’aviye, Yazid , Abdul-malek ibn Marwan, etc.
شرح الطحاوية في العقيدة السلفية ص 489 چاپ اول وزارة الشئون الإسلامية والأوقاف والدعوة والإرشاد المملكة العربية السعودية سال 1418هـ ذيل بحث العشرة المبشرة
4. the idea of Ibn Jouzi and Khatabi:
The intention by twelve caliphs is those rulers which came after Companions and they start with Yazid ibn Mu’aviye.
الإحسان بترتيب صحيح ابن حبان 8 / 227
We ask from Ahl-al-Sunnat to explain these statements to us, uttered by their scholars.


1 | Ahmad A B | , موریس | 14:47 - 22 January 2016 |
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