عن عيسى بن الحارث الكندي ، قال : لما قتل الحسين مكثنا سبعة أيام إذا صلينا فنظرنا إلى الشمس على أطراف الحيطان كأنها الملاحف المعصفرة ، ونظرنا إلى الكواكب يضرب بعضها بعضا.
“Isa bin Harith Kandi” says: when “Husayn bin Ali” [AS] was martyred, until seven days, whenever we said “Asr” prayer, we’d see that sunlight that hit the walls of our homes is so red as if they were covered with red tent and we’d see that some of stars beat each other. {bumped into each other}
“Al-Dhahabi” – Siyar al-A’lam al-Nubala – p 3, vol. 312