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Distortion in Sahih Bokhari and Sahih Muslim
ID: 276 Publish Date: 31 January 2016 - 11:20 Count Views: 4633
Speeches » VelayatTv
Distortion in Sahih Bokhari and Sahih Muslim

Mr. Mohseni:

We are going to broadcast a video clip then we`ll pose our questions. Mr. Molavi Abdulhamid Esmail Zehi, Friday pray leader, said something on the phone in Nor channel and we are going to quote some of his remarks and we would like to hear your response.

(Broadcasting a video clip from Molavi Abdulhamid, Friday pray leader in Maki mosque in Zahedan)

- The TV host:

((..... they have to notify Muslims that Bokhari can`t be their second source for them and it has been completely manipulated)). Mr. Molana, what is your response and advice for this group of people and this school of thought?

- Molavi Abdul-Hamid:

From long ago, right has had its opponents and the sun should not be blamed if witch moth is not able to see it while it is shining. Witch moths should be blamed, those who are not able to see daylight, those whose eyes are closed in days and are opened at nights. We have always seen those who oppose truth and right. But sun continues shining and those who are not able to see it should be blamed. This booked is believed by majority of Muslims. This book is considered as a legitimate, accurate, authentic book since majority of Muslims claimed this. It is considered to be as the most authentic book after Quran. No one can claim logically that this book has been manipulated. No one ever could omit or manipulate it. In each era, this book was read and may be recited by millions of people. This book, God willing, will not be manipulated or omitted. I`d like to respond to those who have any objection about this book. (End of the video clip)

-Mr. Mohseni:

Dear expert, our dear viewers and we watched the video clip. They commented and claimed something. I`d like to ask the first questions this way: He claimed that Sahih-Bokhari has not ever been manipulated and he even said: “ God willing, it will not be manipulated at all and it also is recited by millions of people”. He also likes to respond to any objection. We would like you to talk about this.

Professor Ghazvini:

Before responding to your question, I have to express some points to our dear viewers:

First point:

We all have to respect Sunnis, their great figures and also their sacred things. We consider any form of insult or rudeness as an unforgivable sin. But this doesn`t stop us having scientific discussion far from any tension or chaos.

Second point:

Mr. Molavi Abdul-Hamid Esmail Zehi, or Molana Abdul-Hamid, the Friday pray leader in Zahedan, commented something and this Wahhabi channel started working by his comments. He also said : “ We have always wished to have a channel for Sunnis to talk to the whole world”. We expected them to be a channel by which they can express their own beliefs. But unfortunately, this channel supports Saudi and Wahhabis to let them a chance insult Shias sacred things. I said the same thing via phone call to Molavi Abdul-Hamid Morad Zehi and his son-in-law and later on I told them that on Monday night, we are going to criticize his statements, if he calls us, we really like him to let us know about his ideas. He as well said that he will respond those who claim that Bokhari is manipulated. If he cannot call us tonight, I would like to have him here in studio in my live program on Thursday. I`d like to hear what he is going to say in response to statement I`m going to say.

I`d like to complain him. We didn`t expect him to be in a TV channel on last Wednesday to cooperate with those who are striking back against Shia and truly insulting Shia sacred things. We all have seen that, he talked against Salam, a TV channel, he said why this channel insults Sunni sacred things. The way Nor Channel insults Shia sacred things is quite more excessive the way Salam channel talks about Sunni`s.



Some cases about Nor channel experts insulting Shia sacred things

First case:

I`d like our dear viewers, particularly Molavi Abdul-Hamid and his friends to pay attention to what I`m going to say. As an instance, on Shahrivar 23-1388, the day which I had all the videos recorded and I will play them if I have to, Nor channel expert expressed the following statements about Shias:

“ Unfortunately, the idols in the time of ignorance have all turned to shrines and the tombs of Ah-al-Beit and great men of Allah. They are all being worshiped. why don`t you directly refer to God instead of referring to idols, tombs and jurists?”

Nothing can be more insulting than this. How could he say that the shrines of Imam Hussain, Ali, Imam Reza and others are like idol houses?

Second Case:

On Shahrivar 10-1388, he said: “These shrines are built for some people to take people`s properties and money to make a living. Considering them as mediator between human and God is polytheism. They build shrines, tombs to revive polytheism.

Third Case:

On Ordibehesht 23, 1389, Mr. Heidari, the one who claims to be ready for debates, said the following statements about Imam`s companions: “The companions were always drunk and intoxicated and they deviated people”

- Considering this man talking foolishly  in this channel, how could you, Mr. Molana, have a live program in this channel? How could you praise this channel? How could you appreciate this channel? Did you appreciate them because they labeled companions as who were intoxicated and drunk and deviated people?

How could you severely answer back the channel which insulted prophet`s companions but appreciate the one which insult Imam`s companions? If anyone subtly insults the caliphs, you consider him as apostate, hypocrite and someone who should be killed, but is someone who considers Imam Reza`s shrine as an idol house must be appreciated!!! We didn`t expected you , Mr.Molana, to do this. We have always and will respect him. But it doesn`t stop us criticizing him and others scientifically. He used a governmental microphone to talk agianst a Tv series called Mokhtar Name and later on the jurists in Kheir Abad and Taibad said: “ Prophet`s companions are being insulted in national TV Channel and we are all ready to sacrifice our lives for companions”

- You are ready to sacrifice you lives for prophets companions nut if someone labels Imam Sadegh companions as drunk and supported this channel, he must be appreciated.

These contradictory behaviors are not really appropriate for our dear brother.

We would like him to rethink and reform his ideas completely. But I`d like to answer something, since he said that Sahih-Bokhari has not been manipulated.

Sahih-Bokhari insulting prophet Muhammad

God willing, we are going to talk about that how much Sahih-Bokhari insulted Prophet Muhammad and Islamic sacred things.

First Case: A prophet who brought Quran, the one who has this attribute and adjective «وَ إِنَّكَ لَعَلي خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ[1]», the one who is always praised much, Sahih-Bokhari, V1 P71, talks about him as follow:

In Sahih-Bokhari , V1 P71, Ketab-al-Ghosal chapter 12 says:

“Prophet Muhammad had intercourse with his 11 spouses every night”

We ask Mr. Molavi this Question: The one who said prophet had intercourse with his 11 wives, did he quote it directly from prophet? If he did, we would not believe that a man talks about his private life in public , it also contradicts with the verse which says «وَ إِنَّكَ لَعَلي خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ». It is also believable if prophet`s wives narrated it, and if Anas himself peeked at them through the door, this companion will be disgraced. Besides, what would Mr. Molavi Abdul-Hamid do is someone says that he sleeps with his 3 wives every night? Whatever he does, prophet did also the same thing. God willing, I`m going to show some pages of Sahih-Bokahri regarding this issue.

Third case:

In Sahih-Bokhari, v1 p62, Ketab-al-Vozu, chapter60, chapter Bol-Ghaema Va Ghaedan, it is stated that:

“Prophet Muhammad used to urinate in stading position”.

It is really insulting Prophet Muhammad. Sunnis narrate as follow:

“ Since that narrator stood and urinated, he is not just anymore and we cannot believe his Hadith and narrations”

Mr. Ogheili, in Zoafa V2 P179, says: أتيت سماك بن حرب فوجدته يبول قائماً، فتركته و لم أسمع منه.

“ Since I saw Samak-ibn-Harb urinating while he was standing, I won`t rely on his narrations anymore”

How could you consider a narrator unjust if he stood and urinated, but it wouldn`t be any problem, if prophet did the same thing?!! Interestingly, Mr. Navavi, a considerable Sunni expert, in al-Majmo v2, p84 says:

و صار هذا عادة لأهل هراة يبولون قياما في كل سنة مرة إحياء لتلك السنة[2].

“ People of Harat, in Afghanistan, stand and urinate every year to revive prophet`s practice. “

-Some have said, they tried to elevate companions status as great as prophet`s, but they couldn`t, so they downsized prophet’s status like companion`s. For instance, in Sahih-Moslem, v3 p166, Mr. Navavi says:

فثبت عن عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه و زيد بن ثابت و إبن عمر و سهل إبن سعد أنهم بالوا قياما.

“ It has  been proved that Omar-ibn-Khatab, Zeyd-ibn-Sabet, Ibn-Omar and Sahl-ibn-Sad stood and urinated”

And to prove this issue, they narrated that prophet Muhammad also did the same thing. Honestly speaking, some issues are really embarrassing to talk about. And also about Moses, the one who is called dedicated by Quran, they say:

أرسل ملك الموت إلي موسي عليهما السلام فلما جاءه صكه، فرجع إلي ربه، فقال: أرسلتني إلي عبد لا يريد الموت، فردّ الله عز وجل عليه عينه[3].

“ When the angel of death wanted to take Moses life away, Moses slapped him on the face in a way that his eyes popped out on the floor. The angel of death told God: “ You sent me to the one who not only does not like to be dead but also he popped my eyes out”

Interestingly, Ibn-Hajar Asghalani, explaining this Hadith, quotes from the Angel of death:

“ Oh God, I would have known what to do if you let me know about your relationship with Moses”

You see these issues have written about Prophet Muhammad in Sahih-Bokhari. Even in Sahih-Bokhari, there are some harsh statements about mother of believers, Aisha.

God willing, we might be talking about all this, if we are going to take a look upon Sahih-Bokhari without any bias and also if we are going to compare the traditions stated in Sahih-Moslem and Bokhari with the ones in Quran.

Some manipulated statements in Sahih-Bokhari

We are going to talk about some manipulated statements in Sahih-Bokhari and we will leave the judgment on our viewers and we also demand Mr. Molavi Abdul-Hamid to call us if he is listening to us right now and if he can`t, we would like to have a phone call to him the other days. Velayat network is not like other channels which insult Sunni and their sacred things. Even, we are being admonished for being respectful to Sunnis.

First Case:

Three cases in Sahih-Bokhari, two cases in Sahih-Moslem about presence Khadije`s virtues were manipulated. First of all, I`m going to show the Sahih-Bokhari`s text about this and later on we are going to see what Sunni scholar have said explaining the issues.

Prophet Muhammad says:

كمل من الرجال كثير و لم يكمل من النساء إلا آسية إمرأة فرعون و مريم بنت عمران و إن فضل عائشة علي النساء كفضل الثريد علي سائر الطعام[4].

“ Among men, plenty got to perfection, but among ladies Asieh, pharaoh`s wife, and Maryam, daughter of Imran got to perfection. Aisha`s superiority over others is like stew`s over other foods. “

Some ridicule this tradition. But maybe, from the view point of prophet or the one who narrated this, stew was considered as the best food, not fried chicken or Kebab.

We are showing the exact wordings of Sahih-Bokhari, to avoid any objection. It was published in Media, Dar-Altorogh-Nejat. This tradition has been stated in other publications as well.

كمل من الرجال كثير و لم يكمل من النساء إلا آسية امرأة فرعون و مريم بنت عمران و إن فضل عائشة علي النساء كفضل الثريد علي سائر الطعام.

In Sahih-Moslem, page 988, Hadith 2431, published in Saudi Arabia, Beit-al-Afkar-Dolatieh, it is stated like this:

كمل من الرجال كثير و لم يكمل من النساء غير مريم بنت عمران و آسية امرأة فرعون و إن فضل عائشة علي النساء كفضل الثريد علي سائر الطعام.

You see, we`ve read those books that prophet said: “ Among ladies, just 2 got to perfection”. Now let`s see how those who narrated this from Sahih-Bokhari and Moslem, narrated this?

Confirming manipulation in Sahih-Bokhari by great Sunni scholars

1. Shokani, a great Sunni Scholar says:

الأشعري عن النبي صلي الله عليه و آله و سلم قال: كمل من الرجال كثير و لم يكمل من النساء إلا آسية امرأة فرعون و مريم بنت عمران و خديجة بنت خويلد و إن فضل عائشة علي النساء كفضل الثريد علي سائر الطعام[5].

We ask Mr.Molavi Abdul-Hamid that why the phrase «خديجة بنت خويلد» has been omitted from the current and available Sahih-Bokhari? Why? Isn`t she the mother of believers? Isn`t she the one who sacrificed her should for prophet? Didn`t she dedicate all her life for Islam? How could some narrated this but you say that it was manipulated and omitted?

Mr.Shokani is a great Sunni scholar who is confirmed by Saudi Wahhabi. In 3 cases in Sahih and 1 in Moslem, Khedija was not included in this tradition. No manipulation can be worse than this.

2. Motaghi Hendi

Mr. Motaghi Hendi, in Kanzal Amal, v12 p143, says:

خير نساء العالمين أربع: مريم بنت عمران و خديجة بنت خويلد و فاطمة بنت محمد و آسية امرأة فرعون (حم، ق عن أنس).

The letter «ق» means that this tradition is also stated in Sahih-Moslem and «حم» means that it is also stated Mosnad Ahmad. These are the coding in Kanzal Amal. Mr.Motaghi Hendi in Kanzal Amal, in v1 p6, says:

و قصدت فيه جمع الأحاديث النبوية بأسرها و هذه رموزه «خ» للبخاري، «م» لمسلم، «ق» لهما، «د» لأبي داود، «ت» للترمذي، «ن» للنسائي، «ه» لابن ماجة، «4» لهؤلاء الأربعة، «3» لهم إلا إبن ماجة، «حم» لأحمد في مسنده ... .

The question is, where is this tradition stated in Sahih-Bokhari? In which part of Sahih-Bokhari, prophet said: “ There only four great ladies: Asieh, Maryam, Fatima, and Khedija”

3. Ibn-Kasir

Ibn-Kasir Salafi (died in 774 Hejira) says:

و في صحيح البخاري أيضا عن أبي موسي قال: قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم: كمل من الرجال كثير و لم يكمل من النساء إلا مريم بنت عمران و خديجة بنت خويلد و آسية إمرأة فرعون و فضل عائشة علي النساء كفضل الثريد علي سائر الطعام[6].

Mr.Molavi Abdul-Hamid, the one who runs the seminary school, Dar-al-Olum Maki in Zahedan, we really demand you to answer. Mr.Ibn-Kasir says in Sahih-Bokhari, Abu-Musa Ashari said: “«خديجة بنت خويلد» is among the ladies about whom prophet said she got to perfection. Why the phrase «خديجة بنت خويلد» has been omitted in 3 cases in Sahih-Bokhari and 1 case in Sahih-Moslem?

Mr. Ibn-Kasir is considered as a particular figure by Hanbalities, Hanafites, Wahhabis. These were the manipulated traditions in Sahih-Bokhari. He said: “ I`d like to respond those who have any objection “ We really hope to have you here in our studio to answer us, we will be honored to. And if he can`t be in a Shia channel like Velayat network, a channel which is under control of a jurist and if he considers having a program in Shia channels as hypocrisy, like Friday prey leader of Azad Shahr who said: “Whoever congratulates Ghadir is hypocrite”, and if he consideres having a program in Wahabi channel like Nor as a sign of faith. We really appreciate him if he answers our question in that channel.

Mr. Mohseni

Apparantly, Hadith «خلفاء أمتي من بعدي إثنا عشر» has been manipulated. We would really appreciate you if talk about it.

Professor Ghazvini

Omitting the tradition of «إثنا عشر خليفه»  from Sahih-Bokari

Ibn-Teimie says:

و في الصحيحين عن جابر بن سمرة قال دخلت مع أبي إلي النبي (صلي الله عليه و سلم) و سمعته يقول: إن هذا الأمر ما ينقضي حتي يمضي منهم إثنا عشر خليفة، ثم تكلم بكلمة خفيفة لم أفهمها، فقلت لأبي: ما قال؟ قال: كلهم من قريش.


Jaber-ibn-Samare, in Sahih-Bokhari and Sahih-Moslem, says: “ My father and I visited prophet Muhammad, he said: “Islam won`t be ruined and 12 people come and rule over Islamic nations” Then he said something else which I couldn`t  hear, I asked my father, he said, prophet said: “ All are from Ghoraysh”

Ibn-Teimie also says:

و في لفظ في الصحيحيين: لا يزال الإسلام عزيزا إلي إثني عشر خليفة

Somewhere, in Sahih-Bokari and Sahih-Moslem, it is stated that : “ Islam`s dignity depends on these 12 caliphs” And asl, Ibn-Teimie (died in 728 Hejira) , in Menhaj Sonat, v3p384, under the survey made by Muhammad Reshad Salem, published in Beirut, quotes from Sad-ibn-Abi Veghas:

كتبت إلي جابر بن سمرة مع غلامي نافع: أخبرني بشئ سمعته من رسول الله صلي الله عليه و آله.

“ I wrote a letter, I gave it to Gholam Nafe to deliver to Jaber-ibn-Samereh, I wrote: “ I have heard such a tradition from prophet Muhammad”

Jaber-ibn-Samareh wrote that prophet said: “ There won`t be a Resurrection day and Islam won`t be ruined and 12 people will come under the name of Caliphs and they are all from Ghoraysh” .

We ask them a question: We ask Ibn-Teimie to let us know that in which part of Sahih-Bokhari this tradition (phrase) has been stated? We couldn`t find the phrase which Ibn-Teimie quotes from Sahih-Bokhari and Sahih-Moslem. We demand Mr.Molavi Abdul-Hamid Esmail Zehi, Sunni scholars, and who annually read whole Sahih-Bokhari, to answer us.


Apparently, the issue of temporary marriage has also been manipulated. We`d like you talk about it.

Omitting the disapproval of temporary marriage by Ommar from some volumes of Sahih-Bokhari.

It is really interesting to heal what Sahih- Bokhari says about manipulating temporary marriage by Omar . this very Sahih- Bokhari we have right now , in different volumes has ommitted the name of Omar .there is tradition from Jaber who says ;

أنزلت آية المتعة في كتاب الله، ففعلناها مع رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم و لم ينزل قرآن يحرمة، فلم ينه عنها حتي مات، قال رجل برأيه ما شاء.

“ the verse of temporary marriage was stated in Quran . prophet Muhammad and I followed it, and there`s no verse that forbids temporary marriage. Prophet also didn`t disapprove it and passed away.someone came and talked against temporary marriage”.

Muhammad Ibn-Esmail- Bokhari says: “the one who talks against temporary was Omar”. This phrase has been stated in Sahih-Bokhari V5P185 . But in Sahih-Bokhari , published in Daratorogh-Al -Nejat , it is stated that : حتي مات و قال رجل برايه ماشاء

And also the following phrase has been ommitted :قال محمد (بن اسماعيل) يقال انه عمر

Mr. Molavi , why did they omit Omar`s name? If Bokhari did not state this phrase , then why it was state in previous volumes ?

قال محمد [بن اسماعيل بخاري]: يقال إنه عمر.


This phrase has been manipulated because it was redundant. Even if was stated before since it is omitted now, it is considered as manipulation. All volume have been manipulated . Both have been published in Saudi Arabia, Dartoragh-Al Nejat and Beit-Al - Afkar Dolie .

In one , it is written that:

قال محمد [بن اسماعيل بخاري]: يقال إنه عمر.

And the same phrase has been omitted. In Sahih-Bokhari, Soltani volume, the same phrase has been omitted and in the final part of the Hadith, it is stated that:

حتي مات، قال رجل برأيه ما شاء.

And also the following phrase has been omitted:

قال محمد [بن اسماعيل بخاري]: يقال إنه عمر.

Sunni people confessing that the word «رجل» refers to Omar.

Mr. Hamidi (died in 488 Hejira), in Jama-Bein-Sahihain, v1 p349, says: 

قال رجل برأيه ما شاء، قال البخاري: يقال إنه عمر.

“ Someone came and talked against temporary marriage. Bokhari says: The one who talked against temporary marriage (against Quran and prophets practice) was Omar”.

We demand them to answer , Bokhari said:يقال انه عمر

why this phrase has been stated in some volumes and omitted in others? We really demand to explain this issue. Something has been manipulated.

Mr .Mohseni :

Apparantly, there is a tradition about this issue written by Abdulah-ibn-Masoud, we would like you to talk about this.

Professor Ghazvini :

Manipulating the phrase “الي اجل” which refers to temporary marriage, in Sahih-Bokhari .

There is also a manipulation about the phrase written by Abdolah-ibn-Masoud talking about temporary marriage. In all Sahih-Bokhari volumes, it is written that Abdollah-ibn-Masoud says :

كنا نغزو مع النبي صلي الله عليه و سلم و ليس معنا نساء، فقلنا: ألا نختصي؟ فنهانا عن ذلك، فرخص لنا بعد ذلك أن نتزوج المرأة بالثوب، ثم قرأ «يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا لَا تُحَرِّمُوا طَيِّبَاتِ مَا أَحَلَّ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ» [7].

“prophet and I were in battle and there was no woman there . we told prophet : are we allowed to castrate ?  Prophet said no , and he let us have temporary marriage with women , giving a cloth a marriage portion . then he read this verse ...

This tradition has been stated in Beit-al-Afkar Dolie, published in saudi Arabia .

1.     Al Sonan Al-kobra Beihaghi

They have narrated the tradition stated in Sahih-Bokhari this way

ثم رخص لنا أن ننكح المرأة بالثوب إلي أجل.


“let`s get marry and give them clothes as their marriage portion”. This tradition is written in Sonan-al-kobra, written by Beihaghi, V7P79, quoting from Sahih-Bokhari . the word “الي اجل” has been omitted from Sahih-Bokhari. It is explicitly about temporary marriage . and when they omit it, the phrase would be :

«رخص لنا أن ننكح المرأة بالثوب»

Which refers to permanent marriage.

2.     Tafsir Ibn-Kasir

In Tafsir, written by Ibn -kasir Dameshghi, published in Ghortobe instititue in Beirut , it is written that in Sahih-Bokhari, Ablullah-ibn-Masoud says:

ننكح المرأة بالثوب إلي اجل.


It is the same phrase with the same source (Sahih-Bokhari) here, the phrase “الي اجل” has been stated but the same phrase has been omitted from Sahih-Bokhari. When Ibn-kasir narrates this , he says:

أخرجاه من حديث إسماعيل.

And in the footnote n630, he says:

رواه البخاري في التفسير، باب قوله تعالي: «يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا لَا تُحَرِّمُوا طَيِّبَاتِ مَا أَحَلَّ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ».




3.     Soyuti

Mr.Soyuti also quotes from Sahih-Bokhari : و أخرج إبن أبي شيبة و البخاري و مسلم و النسائي و إبن أبي حاتم و إبن حبان و أبو الشيخ و إبن مردويه و البيهقي عن إبن مسعود قال: رخص لنا إن ننكح المرأة بالثوب إلي أجل[8].

Akhrej-ibn-Abi sheibat, Bokhari, Moslem, Nesaee, Ibn-Abi Hatam, Ibn-Heban, Abu sheikh , Ibn-Mardevey and Beihaghi quote from Ibn-Masoud : “ prophet let us get marry and give clothes as marriage portion”. The world “ الي اجل” has not been stated in Sahih-Bokhari. This in nothing but manipulation. Mr Soyuti belongs to 9th or 10thcentury Hejira he died in 911 Hejira . as a matter of fact , this tradition was written in Sahih-Bokhari in the life time of Soyuti , and they omitted it during the last couple of centuries, since this nothing but Shia`s belief ( temporary marriage).(though they have changed it`s name ). Once Naseredin Shah said: “bring me something to cover body with . they said :we don`t have anything but donkey`s saddle. He replied :don`t say it`s name , just bring it”. These people (Sunnis) have made up 6 or 7 types of marriage. Besides, they also write in their press quoting that Molavi and Wahhabis are spreading sexual harassment, and they also upload the video clips on websites. Personally speaking , we will not broadcast a religious scholar’s sexual video clips even if he is a Wahhabi . they do not consider talking about rape and sodomy as something inappropriate, they`re proud of talking about them. Someone brought me a video clip in which a Wahhabi does something in a mosque, his picture is taken while he is doing and it is uploaded in YouTube. I regard Velayat channel too sacred to talk about these issues. But these people consider temporary marriage as something illegal, something which was not disapproved by either prophet or Quran. Abdullah-Jaber-Ansari also says, we had temporary marriage, and we gave bunch of dates as marriage portion until Omar, about Amro-ibn-Harith, talked against temporary marriage.

جابر بن عبد الله يقول: كنا نستمتع بالقبضة من التمر و الدقيق الأيام علي عهد رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم و أبي بكر، حتي نهي عنه عمر في شأن عمرو بن حريث[9].

Mr. Mohseni: Have Sunni scholars talked explicitly about manipulations in Sahih-Bokhari and Sahih-Moslem?

Professor Ghazvini: Let me tell you something that the sunnis explicitly said that these issues were stated in Sahih-Bokhari by force. Mr. Homeidi ( a scholar in fourth Hejira) quotes from Abu-Masud:

أن له في الصحيح حكاية من رواية حصين، عنه قال: «رأيت في الجاهلية قردة اجتمع عليها قردة قد زنت، فرجموها، فرجمتها معهم».

Abu-Masoud says: In Sahih-Bokhari, there`s a tradition from Hasin that: “ in the time if ignorance, there was a female monkey who had sexual relationship with the monkeys from other clans, and people stoned her.

و لم يذكر في أي موضع أخرجه البخاري، فبحثنا عن ذلك، فوجدناه في بعض النسخ.

This tradition has merely stated in some volumes of Sahih-Bokhari, not all.

و لعلها من المقحمات التي أقحمت في كتاب البخاري[10].

Maybe these statement have been written by force. And it also says:

و ليس في رواية النعيمي عن الفربري أصلا شي من هذا الخبر في القردة

In Naeemi`s tradition quoting from Farbari, Bokhari`s student, nothing like this was stated . Hamid`s saying that some statements have been written in Sahih-Bokhari by force is considered as a vivid example. If it is not manipulation, then what is it? Who have written such statements? And if they were stated in some previous volumes, then why they`re been manipulated?

What I think, those, who spend billion tomans on reading Sahih-Bokhari, were not concentrating and if they were, they have to either confess these manipulations or give us a logical answer for all this.


Professor Ghazvini:

Our dear viewers have to know that Shias beleive that Quran is the only book which whon`t be manipulated. 

لَا يَأْتِيهِ الْبَاطِلُ مِنْ بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَ لَا مِنْ خَلْفِهِ[11]

And there is no nonsense in Quran. Other books might be manipulated, even by their authors. Even when we write a letter, we proof read it to see how many mistakes we`ve made. Whoever tries to write a book like, Bokhari, Moslem, Ahmad Hambal, Koleini or Sheikh Tusi might make mistake. If someone is not infallible, comparing him with some great men, he might incautiously make mistake, though some might like to add or omit something. Long ago, there wasn`t anything like printing and computer, so some received money to write the statements in as books, that is the only way they made a living, and of course they were not infallible or pious, so they might have added some statements in the books. He claimed that: “After Quran, Sahih-Bokhrai and Moslem are considered as authentic books, and no one can claim that they have been manipulated. They are not able to see the truth as witch moths can`t see the lights.” It would not be proper for a great religious scholar like him to talk and claim like this.


Viewers` Questions:

First Question:

1. We would like you to talk about Mr.Abdullah Heidari and Aghil Hashemi`s biography, the hosts of the disunifying TV channel, Nor.


2. Unfortunately, Mr.Abdullah Heidari, disgracefully lied in his channel and said : “They`ve taken the Alghadir book to Ayatollah Sayyed Abulhasan Esfehani, he said: “ I won`t pay any money from Imam`s share to publish this book. It’s nothing but a poetry book.” He accused Ayatollah Isfahani. I really like you to this issue as well.


3.  That made up Hadith about Ali proposing Abu-Jahl`s daughter is also nothing but a lie.


4. They have also talked about a false Hadith, as they say, in Foru Kafi, v3 p35, that in Vozu we have to wash our feet.  If it is possible, we would like you to write a complaint letter by the help of great jurists. They are ridiculing the ideas of 400 million Muslims. They`re not ashamed or afraid of God or prophet, we hope they`re at least ashamed of people.


1st answer:

We have fully and comprehensively responded the story of Abu Jahl`s daughter. We even broadcast a video clip of Mr. Hashemi, quoting a tradition from Elal-al-Sharayeh, and manipulating the beginning and the end. Imam Sadegh says:

“ The story of Ali`s proposing Abu-Jahl`s daughter is nothing but a false and unjust accusation”

Mr. Hashemi omitted the part in which Imam Sadegh says: “It is nothing but a false and unjust accusation” and he only narrated the middle part. If it will be possible, I will broadcast Mr.Heidari`s video clip and I will demand all Shias and Muslims to comment on his character and also complain about through international committees. Do Nor channel workers consider their reputation?  He says:

“ A friend of mine quoted that he saw a Shia put down his pants and rubbed his penis on Osman`s door to downsize and insult Osman”.  

If they don`t respect themselves, why don`t they respect their own channel?  How you could not see these and talk about Foru Kafi and late Ayatollah Esfehani? Yes, they even talk like this about dead ones.  Of course, they are now broadcasting Borghei`s video clip, because he is dead, and if he were alive , he would have stood against them. Since, he was really regretful and he repented, and he also has written his will, he totally would not like them to play these video clips. IF they really dark, why don`t they talk about alive people. Of course, our dear viewers must know that they have written books on behalf of Ayatollah Sobhani or Alame-Askari, in his lifetime, books in which they have talked against Shia. Eve, my friends told me that they have written a book on behalf of me in which I have converted to Sunnism. We say, we don`t care what others whom they have written books might do, but I declare that I`m alive, I`m honored to be the servant of Amir-al-Momenin, we`re honored that our lives are tied with Ah-al-Beit, Fatima Zahra, Imam Hossein . May God bless us all with them to the last breath to fulfill what we owe to our mother, Fatima Zahra.


2nd Question:

I remember when you had a program in Salam channel , and in also in your classes, you said : there was a question , someone asked Ben-Baz a question , in Mecca “can we say السلام علي النبي؟instead of saying السلام عليك ايها النبي و رحمة الله و بركاته.? he replied : “no, you`re not allowed”. Recently, I personally saw, in congregational praying in Masjed-al-Haram which is broadcast live , that the prayer leader , in Mecca, manipulated the pray and said : السلام علي النبي و رحمة الله و بركاته

I demand you to explain this issue as well. I personally saw this on and on that channel broadcast the prayer in Masjed-al-Haram .

2nd answer :

In the 20-volume book, Fatava -al -Janat Paemat Bohus Elenis ValFatava, V7 P8, verdict n 8571, a question was put forward for Aljanat Al-Daemat Lelbohus Elmie Valfatava which is considered as the most prominent group in responding questions in Saudi Arabia, and every Wahabi whenever they are would ask them their questions. The question is as follow :

“ in praying , can we say السلام علي النبي؟ instead of saying. السلام عليك أيها النبي،? they replied :

“ no, you must say السلام عليك أيها النبي   and also in a tradition by Abdullah-bin-Masoud, it is said that :

“ what we have to say is : السلام عليك أيها النبي و رحمة الله و بركاته.

Sunni Scholars like Ibn-Ghedame Moghadasi, Sarakhsi, Navavi, Malek, Abu-Honayfe and Shafey issued a verdict that in praying we have to say : السلام عليك أيها النبي و رحمة الله و بركاته


3rd question:

Sunnis claim that Sahih-Bokhari and Sahih-Moslem are the most authentic books after Quran. In the time of Abu-Bakr, 500 Hadiths were set on fire and also Omar , when he was the caliph, wrote a contract in which on one was allowed to narrate any Hadith from prophet Muhammad, and it took 120 years and no one dare to narrate any Hadith from prophet. The question is where do Sahih-Bokhari and Sahih-Moslem come from? They have destroyed all Hadiths and there was no Hadith from prophet!!!


3rd response:

God willing, we will comprehensively respond this. As Zahabi in Tazkarat-al-Hafez v1, p5 says:

قالت عائشة: جمع أبي الحديث عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم و كانت خمسمائة حديث، فبات ليلته يتقلب كثيرا، قالت: فغمني، فقلت: أتتقلب لشكوى أو لشئ بلغك؟ فلما أصبح قال: أي بنية! هلمي الأحاديث التي عندك، فجئته بها، فدعا بنار فحرقها.

Aisha said: “ My father ordered me to collect all prophet`s Hadiths, and I did, they were about 500 Hadiths, in the morning, he told me to bring them all, he asked for fire and he set them all on fire”.

Omar-ibn-Khatab also announced that: “Whoever has any Hadith from prophet has to destroy it”

This trend continued up to 97 or 98AH in which Omar-ibn-abd Aziz ordered to write Hadiths but no one did and Muhammad-ibn..... (died in 124 AH) came and ordered the same thing. The story of writing Hadiths goes back to 140 or 150 AH, almost a century and half after prophet`s demise, they started writing Hadiths. When they allowed people to write Hadith, everyone started narrating Hadith. Muhammad-ibn-Ismaeel Bokhari says: “ I have written this book, with constant omission of 2700 Hadiths, among 60000 Hadiths” . Moslem also says: “ I have written the Sahih which includes 7000 Hadiths from 300000 Hadiths” . These are the issues about which we are going to talk if we have time.


4th question

Verse 60 of Surah Cow which is about 12 boiling springs:

وَإ ِذِ اسْتَسْقَى مُوسَى لِقَوْمِهِ فَقُلْنَا اضْرِبْ بِعَصَاكَ الْحَجَرَ فَانْفَجَرَتْ مِنْهُ اثْنَتَا عَشْرَةَ عَيْنًا قَدْ عَلِمَ كُلُّ أُنَاسٍ مَشْرَبَهُمْ كُلُوا وَ اشْرَبُوا مِنْ رِزْقِ اللَّهِ وَ لَا تَعْثَوْا فِي الْأَرْضِ مُفْسِدِينَ

Does it have anything to do with 12 Imams?

4th response:

Yes, we have traditions in Kafi and other Shia books that these 12 springs refer to 12 Shia`s Imams.  About this, there`s a tradition by late Kerachki in Al-Estensar, page 21:

فقام جابر بن عبد الله أنصاري فقال: يا رسول الله (ص)! فما عدة الأئمة؟ فقال: يا جابر! سئلتني رحمك الله عن الإسلام بأجمعه، عدتهم عدة الشور و هي «اثْنَا عَشَرَ شَهْرًا فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَ الْأَرْضَ» و عدته عدة العيون التي إنفجرت لموسى بن عمران حين ضرب بعصاه الحجر «فَانْفَجَرَتْ مِنْهُ اثْنَتَا عَشْرَةَ عَيْنًا» و عدتهم عدة نقباء بني إسرائيل، قال الله تعالى: «وَ لَقَدْ أَخَذَ اللَّهُ مِيثَاقَ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ وَ بَعَثْنَا مِنْهُمُ اثْنَيْ عَشَرَ نَقِيبًا»، فالأئمة يا جابر! عدتهم إثنا عشر أولهم علي بن أبي طالب و اخرهم القائم (ع)[12].

The 12 boiling springs refer to 12 Imams of which the first one is Ali-ibn-Abitaleb and the last one is Imam Mahdi. (أرواحنا لتراب مقدمه الفداء)

5th Question:

1.     Since I have started studying history 25 years, I`ve confronted with interesting points. Prophet was a human and Allah underlined that issue, and also our other great figures lived like a human. They all had sense of humor and this issue has been explicitly stated in history. In some traditions, they talked about the sense of humor religious great figures , like the catch phrases which are common today. Like, when someone told other “ go and die” as a joke, if prophet told someone «بأبي أنت و أمي»he didn`t seriously mean that. These were the common catch phrases of that time. What I believe is that these issues paved the way for some misunderstanding and misconception and they truly altered the whole concept of the traditions. it`s not clear, when it was a funny statement or a serious statement. For example, you rarely could find 4 instances the jokes the great religious men cracked because funny statement and serious ones are mixed. I would like you analyze this issue with the broad knowledge you have, we might come up with a result and we might eradicate these doubts and misunderstanding.

2.     You could pose some issues much better than this. For example about marrying girls in return for a bunch of dates. Maybe a bunch of dates was precious and cost something, you could have told it better so some would not be offended and say :” are you as equal as a bunch of date ?”

5th response:

1.     Although, Prophet Muhammad and Amir-al-Momenen and Imams were dignified but they had sense of humor. Even a narrator says: “we were all afraid of their dignity” but this didn`t mean that they didn`t have common sense of humor. In some tradition it is said that :

Amir-al-Momeneen was sitting beside prophet and eating date. Whenever Amir-al-Momeneen ate a date, he put its palm in front of prophet. After a while, he said: “oh prophet , wow how many dates have you eaten ?!! prophet said: it`s really shocking that you have eaten the dates with palm

These type of jokes by which no would be offended are recommended in Islam . Imams also had the same jokes. There was an objection about Amir-al-Momeneen, they said : “ Ali is the man with too much sense of humor, so he doesn`t deserve to be the guardian” .

Jokes are in two kinds: jokes which are against religion, the once which are about backbiting or insulting are haram and illegal. Joking as backbiting is haram.


Even the great jurists demand all that if somebody wants to crack a joke it would be better to use the word “hypocrite” before the name of someone, like the hypocrite Turk, the hypocrite man from Isfahan, or the hypocrite from Ghazvin to avoid offending all citizens. Otherwise, if someone offends or insults any city or tribe, it is quite against religion. And there would be no problem if he uses the word “hypocrite”, because the hypocrites are not respected in Islam. Even thought, we are obliged to talk within the boundaries of politeness, because a believer`s reputation is more important Keba`s.

2. First of all, this issue has been stated in plenty of other traditions as well, the point is that “the bunch of dates” is not the matter of concern, what is really significant here is that they tried to say that they got married (temporary marriage) with small amount of marriage portion. Second of all, it would be no problem if you marry a girl and teach her an Islamic issue as her marriage portion. The point is that giving a bunch of dates or flour as marriage portion was not important and valuable. When prophet said: “My nation will be divided in 73 sects” He doesn’t mean that they will surely be divided into 73 not 74 but he is underlining the large number of sects. When Quran says:

سْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ أَوْ لَا تَسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ إِن تَسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ سَبْعِينَ مَرَّةً فَلَن يَغْفِرَ اللَّهُ لَهُمْ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَفَرُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْفَاسِقِينَ

“Whether thou ask for their forgiveness, or not, (their sin is unforgivable): if thou ask seventy times for their forgiveness, Allah will not forgive them: because they have rejected Allah and His Messenger: and Allah guideth not those who are perversely rebellious.”

He doesn’t mean that if you ask for forgiveness for 71 time, Allah won`t forgive you. Some phrases in Quran have been stated to underline and intensify the large number or amount of something.

6th Question:

-Couple of nights ago, a Molavi called ahl-al-Beit channel, and denied prophet Muhammad`s infallibility, it was nothing but apostasy in the pure sense of the word. Unity and تقیهwill be of no use anymore. We would like you to talk about this

6th Response:

We have already said that denying prophet Muhammad`s infallibility is denying his prophecy and the verse of Quran which says:

وَ مَا يَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَي  /  إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا وَحْيٌ يُوحَي[13]

If someone says prophet is not infallible, it is as if he is denying this verse:

وَ مَا آَتَاكُمُ الرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَ مَا نَهَاكُمْ عَنْهُ فَانْتَهُوا[14]

Being doubtful about prophet`s infallibility is like denial Quran and his prophecy.

Of course, Sunnis from the view point of prophet`s infallibility are in two groups. One group is quite similar to us, like ibn-Hajar-Asghalani , Navavi, Mohedin Arabi and others who believe that prophet was totally infallible in his affairs, like prophecy and transferring the revelation and his other personal affairs as well. The other group says prophet was merely infallible in transferring the revelation. Even Wahhabis believe the same. If a Sunni like him called, he himself has to say which group he belongs to.

7th Question

1. This Sunni who called Ah-al-Beit channel and said that prophet was infallible was underlining this verse of Quran:

لِيَغْفِرَ لَكَ اللَّهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِكَ وَ مَا تَأَخَّرَ[15]

We really demand you to explain whether this Sunni was right or not?

2. Is this Hadith «من مات و لم يعرف امام زمانه، مات ميتة جاهلية»  in Sunni books? And if it is, did Fatima Zahra know the Imam of her age before she was martyred?

7th answer:

1. In Al-Mizan Fi Tafsir Al-Quran, written by Alame Tabatabaee, a unique Shia interpretation book, v 18, p 254, this doubt has been responded: “ The word ذنب  does not mean sin, it means bad consequences for doer and people”

Quran says:

إِنَّا فَتَحْنَا لَكَ فَتْحًا مُبِينًا  /  لِيَغْفِرَ لَكَ اللَّهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِكَ وَ مَا تَأَخَّرَ[16]

This is what he says.

And some great scholar like Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, in Tafsir Nemune, he says:

ترجمه آیه 1 و 2 فتح

Among Sunnis, Ibn-Hajar Asghalani, in Fath-al-Bari Fi Sharh Sahih-Bokhari, v11 p435, and forgiveness refers to destined forgiveness. It means if you have committed or will commit sin, we forgive them both. Of course, we don’t believe such a thing. Soyuti, in Sharh Sahih-Moslem, v 3 p 207, talks about forgiving sin. Of course, Ayatolah Makarem Shirazi underlines this issue «لِيَغْفِرَ لَكَ اللَّهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِكَ وَ مَا تَأَخَّرَ» refers to rejection of the sin not forgiving the sin. Before committing a sin, Allah says:

ترجمه آیه صفحه 47 

Of course, it is a scientific issue, it might be complicated for some viewers, whenever we want to talk about prophet or Imam`s infallibility, we explain this issue as well. I have formerly talked about this verse and talked about Shia and Sunni`s ideas about this issue, its recorded and text file is in Valiasr institution`s website: .

2. Alame Taftazani, a great Sunni scholars, in Sharh-al-maghsad Fi-el-kalam, v2, p275 talks about the Hadith:

«من مات و لم يعرف امام زمانه، مات ميتة جاهلية»،

عن النبي (صلي الله عليه و سلم): من مات و لم يعرف امام زمانه، مات ميتة جاهلية.

Prophet said: “If anyone dies and does not know the Imam of his age, he dies with ignorance”

Though, Mr.Mola Ali Ghari, a great Sunni scholar, in Al-Javahir-al-Mazie, v2 p457 says: 

في صحيح مسلم: من مات و لم يعرف امام زمانه، مات ميتة جاهلية.

“Sahih-Moslem: If anyone dies and does not know the Imam of his age, he dies with ignorance”

Of course, this statement has been omitted from the current Sahih-Bokhari. We will explain about this if we want to talk about manipulation in Sunni sources.

Even, Abujafar Eskafi, who lived in time minor occultation and Jahez and before late Sheikh Mofid says:

من مات و لا امام له، مات ميتة جاهلية[17].

Also, Mohedin Arabi, a famous scholar, died in 775 AH) in Al-Javaher-al-mazie, v2 p457 says:

في صحيح مسلم: من مات و لم يعرف امام زمانه، مات ميتة جاهلية

About second part of your second question, we`ll leave the judgment on our viewers, we are not here to pass the judgment, and issue the order. We merely give the sources with their pages and we leave the judgment on our viewers.

8th Question:

Sunni people say “Amen” after uttering Surah Hamd, while our scholars consider this as a problem. Is saying the supplication of Imam Mahdi in Ghonut and saying «برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين» in the last prostration problematic?

8th Response:

God willing, we are going to talk about their issue after studying the chapter or Vozu in our classes. We are going to talk about prophet`s praying, we will discuss that why prophet didn’t use to say “Amen” while he was praying among more than 10 companions.

Question no 10:

In Nor channel, Mr.Borghei was doubtful about the supplication of إلهي عظم البلاءhe said there`s no such supplication and saying it is like polytheism. I`d like you to talk about this supplication.

Response to Question no 9

Mr.Borghei was fired from the seminary school, since he insulted late Ayatollah Borujerdi. After travelling to Tehran, he again started insulting great scholars and again they fired him. He has written 35 or 36 books advocating Shia`s beliefs, and 40 books about rejecting Shia`s beliefs. He was politically destroyed, he really tried to make money by insulting and saying nonsense about Shias, and he also tried to regain his reputation. I have to say that he is a so-called jurist. He was fired from seminary school and our jurists officially called him an apostate, like Ayatollah Milani and others. He is not that much expert in monotheism to talk about the supplication of إلهي عظم البلاء

He has problems in the primary etiquettes; he was the one, who was insulted great jurists, how he could call himself an expert in monotheism? And this Wahhabi channel tries to advocate him. We have repeatedly said that he is no one but a disgraced and pathetic person. Besides, he has never claimed that he is Sunni. Before his death, he was regretful about what he had done, and now he is buried alongside Shoaib`s shrine, as he requested in his will. If saying this supplication is like polytheism, his burial alongside Shoaib`s shrine is the real example of polytheism. Not only is this supplication an example of polytheism but also it is a real example of monotheism. I`m honored to say that I have been uttering this supplication every night for about 30 years unless I`m in travel or sick, or I forget about it which rarely happens. I consider this supplication a real example of monotheism. And also about the Wahhabi channel, Al-Mostaghela, in which some Shias came and said “We visit Imam Reza`s shrine and ask him to intercede for us, so that god may answer our request”, I have formerly said that this is neither Shia’s beliefs nor the jurists` or Imams`. What Shia jurists believe is that if anyone visit Imam Reza`s shrine and say “ We ask Imam Reza to intercede for us so that god may answer our requests” or “ Oh Imam Reza, answer my requests” both cases are nothing but true example of monotheism. When someone says “ Oh Imam Reza, Imam Hussain, answer our request” he actually believes that Allah has given Imam Reza enough power that he is able to answer our requests. And if someone says to Jesus “Oh Jesus, heal my blind kid” or “Oh Jesus, my kid is dead, revive him” is it polytheism? No, what he really means is that “ Oh Jesus, Oh Imam Reza, Allah has given you enough power to answer requests, I demand you to answer my requests and solve my problems by the order of Allah”

When we say this supplication:

يا محمد يا علي! و يا علي و يا محمد! اكفياني فإنكما كافيان و انصراني فإنكما ناصران.

It means:

إكفياني بقدرة الله و بإذن الله و انصراني بقدرة الله و بإذن الله.

It`s a true example of monotheism and whoever says that it is polytheism doesn’t know the definition of polytheism.

Question no 10:
About this verse:

لَقَدْ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذْ يُبَايِعُونَكَ تَحْتَ الشَّجَرَةِ[18]

 In the allegiance prophet`s companions made during haj, it was necessary for many of the companions to come to allegiance with prophet. In Ghadir Khom which we believe Ali as our guardian, many of the companions who were previously engaged in war, after introducing Ali as the successor, many of them returned. As you know they were about 10, and returning many is problematic. The question is how many were they? Were they few? Or they were the majority of the companions of the prophet?

10th Response:

About god`s satisfaction we have formerly explained that this satisfaction depends on the enduring the articles of the allegiance.

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُبَايِعُونَكَ إِنَّمَا يُبَايِعُونَ اللَّهَ يَدُ اللَّهِ فَوْقَ أَيْدِيهِمْ فَمَنْ نَكَثَ فَإِنَّمَا يَنْكُثُ عَلَي نَفْسِهِ وَ مَنْ أَوْفَي بِمَا عَاهَدَ عَلَيْهُ اللَّهَ فَسَيُؤْتِيهِ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا[19]

And also our dear brother, Ayatollah Yazdani, comprehensively elaborated this issue. Those who were in Rezavan`s allegiance were also engaged in Omar`s death. Prophet Muhammad says:

إن قاتل عمار و سالبه في النار[20].

They were engaged in Omar`s death. According to Sahih-Bokhari and Sahih-Moselm, 1400 or 1500 people attended in Rezvan`s allegiance. In Ghadir 120000 people.

««« و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته »»»

Dr.Sayyed Muhammad Hussaini Ghazvini

First and last name: Tabrizi        Date: Farvardin 6th – 1390         01:43:33

Where is the audio file of the discussion?

First and last name: Alli              Date: Ordibehesth  15th – 1390     03:08:35

Hello, thanks

First and last name: Alizade       Date: Khordad 15th – 1390       09:52:06

Hello, unfortunately, we don’t have satellite and we can`t watch your discussions, we demand you to upload these discussions on the website like this one. I appreciate all Ah-al-Beit servants.                  







[1]- Surah Ghalam verse 4

[2]- Sharh Sonan Al-Nesaee Jalaledin Souti, v1 p20

[3]- Bukhari, vol 2, p 92

[4]- Sahih-Bokhari ,v4,p131. Ketab al-hadith Anbia c32,v4,p139  - v6,p205  / Sahih-Moslem v7,p133

[5]- Fatholghadir Shokani, v5 p257

[6]- Albedya va Nahaye ibn-Kasir , v8 p 100 / Published in Dar-al-ehya al-Arabi , Beirut / Ali Shiri

[7]-Maede verse 87

[8]- Dor-al-Mansur Souti v2 p307

[9]- Sahih-Moslem ,v4 p131

[10]- Aljam Beib-al hadith  v3 p490 / Published dor-al samimi , research by Dr. Ali Hussain al-boab / Tafsir al-Ghortobi v1 p441

[11]- Surah Foselat v 42

[12]- Alyaghin –al Seyd Ibb-Tavus 245

[13]- Najm Surah verse 4

[14]- Surah hashr verse 7

[15]- Surah Fath verse 2

[16]- Surah Fath verse 1 and 2

[17]- Almeyar al-Movazene abujafar Eskani p 327

[18]- Surah Fath verse 18

[19]- Surrah Fath verse 10

[20]- Almostadrak al-Sahihain Hakem Neyshaburi ,v3p387 / Majma Zavaed manbae favaed Heisami v 7 p 244

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